Rooster is being agressive or mating ?


10 Years
Jul 17, 2009
Hi Newbie here, my question is : I have a rooster that is really going after my hens to the point it sounds like hes killing them, being new to this was wondering it seems like hes trying to mount them but is really rough and grabbing them by the neck and they are squaking away like its life or death, is this normal mating behaviour for roosters when mating ? they are about 22 week old ameruacanas.

thanks for any info
Yup he's trying to mate them...young roosters cause a lot of missing feathers and bare necks until they get to know what they are doing
It will take him a bit to get it...and it's easier once the girls start squatting for him too. It drove me nuts to watch so I decided that in the future there will be NO rooster LOL I can't stand to see the bare patches on my poor hens.
My roos were terrible at first even dragging the girls by the necks!

Now, for the most part, they are more gentle BUT when a roo gets partcularily...umm, rowdy, they are blinded by lust and they get really aggressive again.

I had to kick a roo last night because he would not stop chasing one of the girls.

Something to watch for is the roo standing on the girls after mating. I have one that does that too. I think it's so another roo won't jump on her after he does his thing. I don't know if it hurts the girls or not, but -I- don't like it!!

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