Rooster Names!:)

My seven year old names all his chickens by their personality and includes little rhymes for most of them. Our first batch had 4 roos for 6 hens three of which, the roos, went to freezer heaven. He named the three we were culling Chicken Licken you silly icken, Cocky Locky you're so blocky (he was hugh) and Liberace (he kept trying to mate the other roos and my husband had a hand in that name). The other is Rudy the Rooster. Now we've added have Curly Joe with the curly toe, Hop along Cassidy (he was injured when little so he hopped) and Larry you're so harry. He has a young Dominique that he plans on keeping that he want's to call Dominick. My point is we've often found a quirk in their personality, something unique to them that provides the name. You should hear all the hens and poult names. Currently we have about 100 egg layers from 5 weeks to 5 years with 26 more to arrive in a few weeks.. He also names every single turkey and would name the meaties, but I drew a line. I know it's there I drew it, but with all the poop sometimes it's hard to find it though. I named one of the little meaty roos runt and another one Jerome. I always wanted to name one of the roos Fred. Well maybe next batch

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