Rooster of the week!

Wow, you guys, that was really hard. I narrowed it dpwn to my top ten , then to my top 5, then to my number one,

And the winner is: Dapper Dan, by @theoldchick ! congrats to the roo of the week, and everyone who entered, I have never seen so many beautiful roosters in the same spot. You can always enter all of them again, Dapper Dan may not be entered again, but you can always post more great pics of him.
Great choice! He is gorgeous! 😍
I never win! :(
blu closeup.JPG
How is your little 'Penguin' doing?
She is doing well living with my MicroRoo She has laid a single little torpedo shaped egg so that worry has come and passed. She hasn't laid any since which is curious but she is showing no signs of distress. She is still so small I doubt she will be a regular layer and she doesn't have to we like her just the way she is.

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