Rooster or Hen?

The one is back is a hen. Is the one on the right in front the one in question? Need to seed standing side shot like how the one in back is so we can see saddle feathers. Some hens do grow spurs and even crow. But only males grow the pointy saddle feathers, that I've seen so far. That one has me thinking boy. Do you know their age? How long have you had them? Heard any crowing?

Their feathers also look like they could have some parasite. Specifically lice or mites. Some don't live on the birds and only come out to feed at night, while others can be microscopic. And the ones that aren't can be downright hard to see. That being said MOST of my older birds that haven't had their first molt do have plenty of feather damage. Permethrin spray is a safe, effective, affordable, and easy to use product with NO withdrawal time for eggs when used according to directions. I bought mine in a little ready to use spray bottle for under $10, labeled as horse fly spray to keep mosquitoes of my goats and dogs when I discovered it had uses for chickens. Which I did see lice once on a young bird. It has lasted me more than 1 year with 60+ birds, 2 goats and 3 dogs. They make organic versions for much more $ based on a chrysanthemum extract sold under names like Spinosad and Elector PSP. Permethrin is the synthetic version. To me poison is poison regardless of organic or not. But I choose the lesser of the evils, and that means the bugs must die! :smack
Thank you for your answer, I got the 3 of them 2 years ago. I don't hear any crowing, she/he grow the spurs this year. I will treat them with the stuff for lice or mites, I used to put diatomea in their nests because is organic. I named them La Niña, La Pinta y La Santa Maria, maybe the Santa Maria is a Christopher Columbus :)
Thanks again
help! We have had this americauna for about a year and a half now. We raised her from a tiny chick. She has always been a pain, getting into trouble, escaping etc. However, just recently she has started pecking at the other Hens. Last night she tried to do (what appeared as) mount one of our tiny bantams, making her bleed. She has it out for that tiny Hen. We can't keep her with the others any longer. She has always been an egg layer, every other day or so, but now she is displaying rooster behavior and appears very rooster-ish. She does not crow. Does anyone know of a both sex chicken?! We are so confused!!!!
Hen, and not an americauna.

We have 3 hens, one of them has spur grew now, is a hen or a rooster?
Thank you
I don't see any roosters in this picture. Hens can grow spurs, so spurs are not an accurate way to sex them.
Can someone please tell me if my two 17 weeks old australorp chickens are roo or hen? My neighbors are so nice and I don't want to disrupt their sleeping patterns, especially on the weekends. My chickens started to make a loud crowing sounds in the morning (7:15-45AM) but then stopping at around 9-10AM. The rest of the day, they would be quiet. Thank you


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View attachment 1137870 Can someone please tell me if my two 17 weeks old australorp chickens are roo or hen? My neighbors are so nice and I don't want to disrupt their sleeping patterns, especially on the weekends. My chickens started to make a loud crowing sounds in the morning (7:15-45AM) but then stopping at around 9-10AM. The rest of the day, they would be quiet. Thank you
I see pointy saddle feathers. They're roosters.
help! We have had this americauna for about a year and a half now. We raised her from a tiny chick. She has always been a pain, getting into trouble, escaping etc. However, just recently she has started pecking at the other Hens. Last night she tried to do (what appeared as) mount one of our tiny bantams, making her bleed. She has it out for that tiny Hen. We can't keep her with the others any longer. She has always been an egg layer, every other day or so, but now she is displaying rooster behavior and appears very rooster-ish. She does not crow. Does anyone know of a both sex chicken?! We are so confused!!!!

One of my Old English Game Bantam hens will mount and seem to mate with one of my Bantam Wyandotte hens (who is bigger than her), plucking some of her head feathers - it's simply a display of dominance.

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