do you have any idea why he already have a large comb? im actually not sure about his age because i just bought him from a vendor whose selling colored chicks that what he is from and i just predict that he is 8 weeks old because i bought him on sept. 24 and you can see in the picture what he looks like and i predict that he got out from his egg from sept 20 and today he is turning 9 weeks old
I'm in the US and have American bred Leghorns. You're overseas so you have the European type.
Over there they breed for the huge combs. Over here ours have large combs but ours are bred for egg production over everything else.
We need more pictures, especially ones that show the chicken's side, but for now I am voting for cockerel. For information, an eight-week-old chicken can never be a rooster or a hen. A chicken can only be a rooster or a hen when they reach adult, which is one year old. Females under a year old are pullets, males under a year old are cockerels. Also, do you have other chickens besides this one? Chickens are flock birds and need at least one other chicken in order to not get lonely and depressed, and then eventually, ill. There are times when some chickens can be by themself, such as house chickens, but it is better for them to be outside and with their own kind.
do you have any idea why he already have a large comb? im actually not sure about his age because i just bought him from a vendor whose selling colored chicks that what he is from and i just predict that he is 8 weeks old because i bought him on sept. 24 and you can see in the picture what he looks like and i predict that he got out from his egg from sept 20 and today he is turning 9 weeks old
Genetics can cause unusual comb size. You bought him from a person selling colored chicks? Like, dyed chicks? People like that absolutely disgust me, you are never supposed to dye any kind of bird.

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