Rooster or Hen


10 Years
Apr 16, 2009
First of all, I am completely heartbroken right now as I found one of my chicks dead in my backyard. I had 3, 8 week old hens (2 Buff Orpingtons, 1 Golden Laced Wyandotte) and 2, 4 week old hens (Golden Laced Wyandottes). The three, 8 week olds were living in their brand new coop and I thought they were living peacefully with my 2 dogs. I had left their coop door open so they could free range as they please and that was my first mistake!! I left them alone for most of the day with the dogs!! She was a beautiful Buff Orpington and so gentle and kind. I've learned my lesson and will now pen the dogs a couple times a day to allow them time to free range. I never thought I would have gotten this attached to chickens

In a brooder, I have 2, 4 week old Golden Laced Wyandottes. Unfortunately, these 2 are not as gentle as my other 3 were. 1 of them is already developing a comb. My 8 week old doesn't even have one yet. Could this possibly be a rooster. If so, I'm extremely saddened as I'll be down to 3 layers!! Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated. Also, is it too late to order any more chicks??

Thanks so much,


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