I am very pleased with Henry's progress! I did have a conversation about him, with God, at about 1 a.m. this morning. For some reason, I am thinking of your rooster through out the day. And every time I have posted to you...I feel I have been directed too. Animals are beautiful, they serve many purposes and roles on the planet. And they are important to God, after all, He is the Creator!

Luke 12:6
Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?
I am very pleased with Henry's progress! I did have a conversation about him, with God, at about 1 a.m. this morning. For some reason, I am thinking of your rooster through out the day. And every time I have posted to you...I feel I have been directed too. Animals are beautiful, they serve many purposes and roles on the planet. And they are important to God, after all, He is the Creator!

Luke 12:6
Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?
Thank you so much for all of the heartfelt feedback. I read everything and it helps keep me focused and hanging in there with Henry.

I'm a Christian, too, and am so grateful for your prayers for our dear boy. And I love the Luke 12:6 scripture.
I agree, the Arnica rub will be best after the Comfrey has done it's job. I gave my little rescued game hen a spa day this morning. Washed her legs and feet in an Epsom Salt soak, then, rubbed them down with "The Rub", Arnica cream. I put her boots on to give her feet a rest; she enjoyed having her legs massaged as she lay on my lap. She fell asleep twice. LOL! She had her legs damaged in a metal trap the neighbor used to catch her two years ago. So, every now and then the pain kicks in and she'll start to limp.
So, that's it...The Rub Arnica cream, gotta have it for people and animals too.
I agree, the Arnica rub will be best after the Comfrey has done it's job. I gave my little rescued game hen a spa day this morning. Washed her legs and feet in an Epsom Salt soak, then, rubbed them down with "The Rub", Arnica cream. I put her boots on to give her feet a rest; she enjoyed having her legs massaged as she lay on my lap. She fell asleep twice. LOL! She had her legs damaged in a metal trap the neighbor used to catch her two years ago. So, every now and then the pain kicks in and she'll start to limp.
So, that's it...The Rub Arnica cream, gotta have it for people and animals too.
Your sweet little hen just had herself a wonderful day!

Would you please enlighten me on the benefits of epsom salt? I've come across several posts in the forums about it and would love to know what it does and what the various scenarios are where it can safely be used.
I remember "That Qual Robert" from my childhood, I've read it to my kids. it lead my parents to get me a mail order incubator and 4 qual eggs, perhaps the worst designed incubator ever, but miraculously one of the eggs hatched. that little qual inprinted to light and the day after it hatched it jumped out of my hand and ran straight into the fireplace and rolled around screaming in the burning coals. after a long period of tending, it survived, missing most of it's toes. Perhaps you have the beginnings of a book, "That Rooster Henry!" your last post has the intimate presence that I think a lot of people can appreciate. let me just leave it at that.
Your sweet little hen just had herself a wonderful day!

Would you please enlighten me on the benefits of epsom salt? I've come across several posts in the forums about it and would love to know what it does and what the various scenarios are where it can safely be used.

I have always used Epsom Salt around the house: hot soaks, plant fertilizer, hair rinse, and things like that.

But, I was surprised to see it mentioned in the book, "Chicken Encyclopedia", by Gail Damerow. Epsom Salt is recommended as a treatment for cleansing the system of poison or intestinal disease. Besides using herbs, my mother also used Epsom Salt for many things. So, I decided to look into using it for my chickens. I found there simply isn't enough scientific study on it's use.

So it's partly validated by science and also one of those folk remedies. You'll have to decide if it works or not. It is actually Magnesium Sulfate, and is believed to be antibacterial and antifungal. Many chicken keepers recommend soaking a hen that is egg bound or having hormonal issues, in a bath of Epsom Salt. The magnesium is absorbed through the skin and helps the hen metabolize calcium, which is important to their reproductive system.

I used it when one of my hens was trying to expel a soft shelled egg, 30 minutes after the Epsom Salt soak, she expelled the egg. I have also used it to soak my rooster's vent area when he was suffering from Vent Gleet. Relief seemed to be immediate as he fell asleep during this soak. His red inflamed skin was lighter the next day! I also sprayed his vent area with some olive oil non-stick spray to protect the skin.
You know about my little Riki's sore legs, she fell asleep after too! If nothing else, it appears to be a relaxing experience for the chicken. LOL!

But, my most impressive experience with Epsom Salt was this Summer. My Black Star hen began to swell around her vent area and up to her keel bone. Within days she struggled to walk. I read horror stories about similar symptoms in other hens. Hens were having their abdomens drained with syringes, then dying. Others, ruptured their abdomens with the entrails dragging on the ground! My heart sank, what could I do for her that didn't involve needles? I prayed on it, and I awoke in the middle of the night with a plan.

Detoxification is another unsubstantiated claim of Epsom Salt. But, it is what I believe saved my Filamena's life. Her swelling was caused by ascites build up, which is the body's way of trying to rid itself of toxins. From what? I do not know. Her treatment plan included a soak in Epsom Salt, 3 times a week, for 10 minutes each time. No jumping up or off the perch, to prevent rupture. Internal detox and liver support with Aloe Vera 80 Detox formula, in water and moistened feed. I used "The Rub" Arnica cream alternately with "Preparation H" and Baby Diaper ointment on her swollen abdomen each day, morning and evening.

After six weeks, I took her to my vet, I was feeling low. She wasn't getting better. But she was eating and drinking and trying to follow her flock. I was ready to euthanize, but the vet said, no. He recommended I take her home and let her live out her chicken days that God had set for her. There was nothing to be done for her. So, I brought her home and I decided to continue her treatment plan. It was tiring, but it was the least I could do for my beloved Filamena. Then, a week and a half later I noticed her walking normally! I picked her up and examined her. Her swelling had reduced about 50%. Three days later, all swelling was gone! She was eating like crazy and running and flapping her wings with joy!

Well, that just goes to show what we think we know!

And now you have some more stuff to think about...LOL!!!
I have always used Epsom Salt around the house: hot soaks, plant fertilizer, hair rinse, and things like that.

But, I was surprised to see it mentioned in the book, "Chicken Encyclopedia", by Gail Damerow. Epsom Salt is recommended as a treatment for cleansing the system of poison or intestinal disease. Besides using herbs, my mother also used Epsom Salt for many things. So, I decided to look into using it for my chickens. I found there simply isn't enough scientific study on it's use.

So it's partly validated by science and also one of those folk remedies. You'll have to decide if it works or not. It is actually Magnesium Sulfate, and is believed to be antibacterial and antifungal. Many chicken keepers recommend soaking a hen that is egg bound or having hormonal issues, in a bath of Epsom Salt. The magnesium is absorbed through the skin and helps the hen metabolize calcium, which is important to their reproductive system.

I used it when one of my hens was trying to expel a soft shelled egg, 30 minutes after the Epsom Salt soak, she expelled the egg. I have also used it to soak my rooster's vent area when he was suffering from Vent Gleet. Relief seemed to be immediate as he fell asleep during this soak. His red inflamed skin was lighter the next day! I also sprayed his vent area with some olive oil non-stick spray to protect the skin.
You know about my little Riki's sore legs, she fell asleep after too! If nothing else, it appears to be a relaxing experience for the chicken. LOL!

But, my most impressive experience with Epsom Salt was this Summer. My Black Star hen began to swell around her vent area and up to her keel bone. Within days she struggled to walk. I read horror stories about similar symptoms in other hens. Hens were having their abdomens drained with syringes, then dying. Others, ruptured their abdomens with the entrails dragging on the ground! My heart sank, what could I do for her that didn't involve needles? I prayed on it, and I awoke in the middle of the night with a plan.

Detoxification is another unsubstantiated claim of Epsom Salt. But, it is what I believe saved my Filamena's life. Her swelling was caused by ascites build up, which is the body's way of trying to rid itself of toxins. From what? I do not know. Her treatment plan included a soak in Epsom Salt, 3 times a week, for 10 minutes each time. No jumping up or off the perch, to prevent rupture. Internal detox and liver support with Aloe Vera 80 Detox formula, in water and moistened feed. I used "The Rub" Arnica cream alternately with "Preparation H" and Baby Diaper ointment on her swollen abdomen each day, morning and evening.

After six weeks, I took her to my vet, I was feeling low. She wasn't getting better. But she was eating and drinking and trying to follow her flock. I was ready to euthanize, but the vet said, no. He recommended I take her home and let her live out her chicken days that God had set for her. There was nothing to be done for her. So, I brought her home and I decided to continue her treatment plan. It was tiring, but it was the least I could do for my beloved Filamena. Then, a week and a half later I noticed her walking normally! I picked her up and examined her. Her swelling had reduced about 50%. Three days later, all swelling was gone! She was eating like crazy and running and flapping her wings with joy!

Well, that just goes to show what we think we know!

And now you have some more stuff to think about...LOL!!!
Wow, that's quite a successful treatment story. Thank you for sharing!

I've used Aloe Vera 80 Detox Formula for myself, many years ago. It seems animals can tolerate many of the natural healing remedies we use for ourselves. Epsom salt is something I've heard about over the years, but I never knew it had so many uses, and I never really understood what it does.

When you bathe your chickens, do you let them float in water, or do you dip them a couple of times in a bucket? It was a charming surprise when I discovered chickens float this summer. I gave them dips in a bucket to help cool them down from the extreme heat. One loved it so much she'd gently float in different directions as the wind softly moved her around.
I remember "That Qual Robert" from my childhood, I've read it to my kids. it lead my parents to get me a mail order incubator and 4 qual eggs, perhaps the worst designed incubator ever, but miraculously one of the eggs hatched. that little qual inprinted to light and the day after it hatched it jumped out of my hand and ran straight into the fireplace and rolled around screaming in the burning coals. after a long period of tending, it survived, missing most of it's toes. Perhaps you have the beginnings of a book, "That Rooster Henry!" your last post has the intimate presence that I think a lot of people can appreciate. let me just leave it at that.
You are absolutely NOT going to believe this.

I'm serious, this is just out of this world crazy.

'That Quail Robert' is my absolutely favorite book. I read it at least once a year, and I'm going to start reading it again tonight. And just today I told my husband, "I wonder if there's a sweet little book in the works here. I'd call it 'That Rooster Henry!'

My husband is going to fall down and roll over with his paws in the air when I tell him what you said. This is simply unbelievable!!!
You are absolutely NOT going to believe this.

I'm serious, this is just out of this world crazy.

'That Quail Robert' is my absolutely favorite book. I read it at least once a year, and I'm going to start reading it again tonight. And just today I told my husband, "I wonder if there's a sweet little book in the works here. I'd call it 'That Rooster Henry!'

My husband is going to fall down and roll over with his paws in the air when I tell him what you said. This is simply unbelievable!!!
Confirmed. Husband on the floor writhing with laughter and disbelief.

I love that book so much!!!

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