Rooster shooting blanks


16 Years
Mar 29, 2008
Roanoke, VA
My year old rooster is not doing his job. None of my eggs are fertilized. It’s been this way for 6 months. I got a new rooster and he hasn’t been any more effective 🙄. What am I doing wrong?
How have you determined that the eggs are not fertile? I think this is critical to answering your concern.

How many hens or pullets do you have? How old are they and what breeds? What breed is the rooster? Are they kept together all of the time or only part time?
How old are the hens? What breed are they? Have you tried hatching out any of the eggs, or are you basing this solely off of lack of a bullseye on the egg?

Have the females accepted the new male?

Seems highly unlikely that both males are infertile
The hens are anywhere from 1 year to 4. Their eggs are pale yellow and before this rooster, I had another one that was really mean and he did his job. The eggs were noticeable more orange and had the bullseye. I could not keep that rooster! He drew blood 😳. The one I replaced him with was not doing his job … it is obvious. But the new rooster must still be rather young. Maybe I just need to chill out and wait and see before getting too worked up about it 😜
Colour of the yolk is not so much a indicator of fertility. How old is your current male? What's his breed?
The hens are anywhere from 1 year to 4. Their eggs are pale yellow and before this rooster, I had another one that was really mean and he did his job. The eggs were noticeable more orange and had the bullseye. I could not keep that rooster! He drew blood 😳. The one I replaced him with was not doing his job … it is obvious. But the new rooster must still be rather young. Maybe I just need to chill out and wait and see before getting too worked up about it 😜
Orange or yellow yolks has nothing to do with a rooster or fertility. That is strictly diet. Either they are getting the carotenes to color the yolks or they are not. Carotenes could come from something you are feeding them or from plants or blooms they find when foraging. Maybe some seasonable plants. Some feed companies add marigold petals to the feed to color the yolks.

The bull's eye is a pretty good indicator as long as you know what you are looking for. How many eggs did you check? Sometimes the bull's eye is on the bottom when you crack an egg so you have to gently turn the egg with a spoon to find it.
Pale egg yolks can indicate worms. When did you last deworm your flock?

And as other have already stated the yolk colour also varies with the kind of feed they get.

Just incubate fresh eggs for 4-7 days depending on the colour of the egg shells and you will know for sure if your rooster is fertile.
Grab one egg of each of your hens.
Colour of the yolk is not so much a indicator of fertility. How old is your current male? What's his breed?
the roo is about 11 months. I am not sure of his breed but I am sure that he has some Easter Egger in him. He is tall, his feathers are dark greenish/black and red and his comb is not floppy. It looks short and bumpy.
Colour of the yolk is not so much a indicator of fertility. How old is your current male? What's his breed?

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