Rooster Spinning in Circles


5 Years
Jan 26, 2019
I've noticed on occassion, my top Silkie Roo, Luppi, spins in circles similar to how my Swirly did; the only difference is, he doesn't have wry neck.

He's gonna be 3yrs next month.

He hasn't been displaying any other worrying symptom, no paleness, no lethargy, no weak crows (he crows plenty and strong), still spars with his son (these are the usual non-bloody spats that don't last long at all, he's actually quite good at evasion), still does all his usual roo things. He's also always been a thin bird ever since I adopted him when he was 7mo, and his crop always had something in it at night. He eats and drinks fine (I still give my flock ((7 chickens)) a teaspoon of rooster booster and .25ml of echinacea in a 1 gallon fountain to help keep the bird flu at bay), though I've noticed he's taken an interest in the chick crumbles I have set for my old girl (how big of an interest, I don't know), but I know he's mostly eating the All Flock.

I just find it odd that he's spinning in circles. He acts and looks perfectly fine otherwise. Even my two wry neck afflicted chickens don't spin in circles like their mother did or like Luppi's doing. Maybe he's stressed? Maybe the weather has him messed up?

Also, here's my Luppi, 'cause why not?
I wish rooster booster and echinacia helped against bird flu but it doesn't.
is it always the same direction? What is his diet?
They may not help specifically against it, but I'll take any immune boost I can get. Though I have to give RB points, it helped with my Autumn's wry neck.

I think so? He spins to the right iirc. Nothing wrong with his feet, though I do need to trim back his spurs (which interestingly are not sharp). They all eat All Flock Pellets, occassional scratch grain as a treat, and fish/fruits when I can (the canned fish, like sardines, tuna, salmon; they love salmon).
OK. Does he drop a wing when he spins in circles?

He's acting perfectly fine?
You can give him vitamin therapy for a few weeks if you wish to see if it helps him. I'd give Vitamin E and B-Complex like you would those that had Wry Neck.
No, it's not his flirt dance. His spins are similar to us quickly spinning around.

I could try that. He is acting fine otherwise. I think I might pull him in this weekend and see what he does.
We have a duckle rooster who’s just spins in place, he does it every morning and he just turns around in place and then he’ll stop fake the opposite and then turn back in the same direction, is this similar to yours?
We have a duckle rooster who’s just spins in place, he does it every morning and he just turns around in place and then he’ll stop fake the opposite and then turn back in the same direction, is this similar to yours?
Can you start your own thread and post a video?
(videos need to be uploaded to another site e.g. Youtube, then posted here)

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