Rooster started humping my TV remote.šŸ˜±

This is a foolish debate. I'm done. Peace.

House chickens 4 life.
I understand what youā€™re saying and I think that you could definitely have happy house chickens especially bantams. Iā€™ve seen many seramas kept in cages large enough for them to be happy and small enough to be in a house. I agree with @TheOddOneOut about your comparison, those animals all work very differently and have different social structures and needs, you cannot compare them to chickens. The problem with this situation is they were not expecting a cockerel and most importantly he is alone in an apartment who knows how the complex residents will feel when he continues to crow years from now? In this situation I believe he needs to go to somewhere he can be happily outside with hens.
This is a foolish debate. I'm done. Peace.

House chickens 4 life.

We should not argue I agree.
But I beg you, if you love him make him HAPPY.... PLEASE for his own good he is LONELY AND SAD my heart goes out to YOU and HIM but there is a good solution as suggested by many: REHOME.

'house chickens 4 life' is not a good motto in this situation. Please don't hatch again.

It is very much not the same.
The animals (completely different species, you can't even make a point with that comparison) live completely different lifestyles, alone, and it's different.
Chickens are flock animals and will never be anything but.
Don't try that comparison. It doesn't work on people who know anything about animals.


Definitely a robotic hen. Tape a fake chicken onto a remote control car, and take out for a spin. Heā€™ll love you for it, but heā€™ll still love her more.

A robot hen is expensive and he wants a real girl to love.

I won't say any more, but my sympathy to all.
Yea we donā€™t want Karenā€™s..
We should not argue I agree.
But I beg you, if you love him make him HAPPY.... PLEASE for his own good he is LONELY AND SAD my heart goes out to YOU and HIM but there is a good solution as suggested by many: REHOME.

'house chickens 4 life' is not a good motto in this situation. Please don't hatch again.


A robot hen is expensive and he wants a real girl to love.

I won't say any more, but my sympathy to all.
The person you are begging is not actually to OP.
Stop hating on the cockerel lover. He's better off as a house chicken than a fried chicken or fox bait. I have 7 cockerels that I can't keep, and it makes me happy to hear that this boy gets to keep his life. And he's loved.

I totally agree.
In a perfect world he would have all the things a fraction of roosters in the world have, but this isn't a perfect world most get thumped in the head.
I have two ecstatic guys, they poop smiley faces they've got it so good.
Hens for daaaaays!
They've got room, grass, a mostly non meddling owner, got-it-made but they'd surely settle for a few cutbacks given the nearly certain other option.

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