Rooster terrorizing my ducks!


In the Brooder
May 23, 2017
So the background story is, we have 8 ducks, 28 chickens... 2 being roosters. Well one rooster is a little older than the other, and he runs the show. He guards the pullets and is very protective, I LOVE IT!
Well... my other cockerel is getting older and definitely maturing and is trying to rule/control the ducks. He never leaves their sides and is terrorizing them constantly. He won't let them in their kiddy pool or anything, has them running away from him constantly, and a couple of times the ducks get separated and I hate it because it takes them a while to find each other again. I do everything I can to stop it when I see him going for them, but that's pretty much worthless. He's also kind of a jerk to my younger pullets. I think I get what he's trying to accomplish but the ducks are stressed and he's driving me crazy.
Suggestions? Advice?

Side note, I also think he is trying to mate them? But he mostly does it to the drake so it's really REALLY not happening.
That's the problem with housing two species together...That Rooster is Randy and wants Hens of his own ...He won't confront the other Rooster but is stressing out the Ducks...I keep all my Chickens and one Rooster separate from my Ducks....Plan B needs to be started...Cull the Young Rooster or separate the Ducks....
Thank you guys for the advice. A few more tidbits, and maybe it isn't important.
The ducks eat their own food, don't sleep in the coop and don't really interact with the chickens. The naughty rooster does go in the coop at night and sleeps with the chickens, then in the am, he is out on a mission to find them and bother them.
I agree with the others. He needs his own bachelor pad until he's older and then you can see how he works out with the dominant rooster and larger chicken flock. If he still bothers the ducks, you may need to get rid of him.

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