Rooster Very Ill - Any Food Suggestions?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 30, 2008
Okemah, Oklahoma
My rooster appears very very ill this a.m. - we have moved him to a indoor area and started him on omimyician (like teramyician) for what appears to be pneumonia.

He is labored breathing and very dark purple comb. I'm afraid we have waited to late to start treatment.

I read somewhere that it was good to give a sick chicken bread and milk. Is this ok? And maybe good for him? Please advise quickly - he is in bad shape and I want to save him if we can.

I'm so sorry your roo is ill. Doe he have other symptoms of pneumonia or just labored breathing and dark comb? Those symptoms could also indicate heart failure.

It never hurts to get some liquid baby vitamins in him if he's ill.
That is really all the symptoms. And we have a few of the cornish rocks die from heart failure so we were familiar with the turning of the comb. But this is a regular size RIR (I think) with a huge rose comb.

We put vitamins in their water daily.

Do you think the bread/milk would be good?

I'm desperate!
Scrambled egg would be great - high in protein and vitamins and they love them. If he will still eat and drink that's always a good sign.
Yes bread and milk is good for them to eat. Not sure if it will help him any health wise , but it is okay to feed them that.

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