Rooster very sick, close to dying


8 Years
Dec 25, 2011
Hi everybody,

One of my roosters ( almost 2 year old Cochin) has been really sick for the past 3 weeks or so. I've tried googling his symptoms etc but am not having much luck with it.
His symptoms:

-bright green poop
-cut/bleeding comb that is partially black, wattles have thick crusty stuff
-unstable on feet (he will fall on his face and wobble around if you attempt to move him)
-Not eating much, lost weight, distinct V shape
-drooling uncontrollably
-discharge from the nostrils
-stands with head tucked in or beak on the ground
-iris's are a blood red color

that is all that I can think of off the top of my head. He has been on Tetracycline for about 2 weeks now with zero improvement, so I am not sure why he is sick, the cause or how to treat it. Or if it is too late.

I don't have a lot of experience with ill chickens, but wanted to say I'm sorry to hear about your roo,
and I hope he makes a full recovery. I'm sure one of the longtime BYCers or mods will see this and can give you more help. The only thing I would have for a suggestion is to make sure he is quarantined from any others in your flock in case its something that is contagious. Fingers crossed for some good news for you.
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Sorry for the delay, I just took some pictures.

The first 3 show his nasty comb and wattles and his red eyes. the fourth and fifth is how he stands, either head down with his beak resting on the ground or tucked. The sixth is the green poop. The reason his front is somewhat wet in the pictures is because when he drinks he fumbles into the water dish and spills it on himself.






aw man, he looks miserable...I have heard that darkend combs can be a result of kidney (or is it liver?) failure...but it kinda looks like he has some sort of other infection going on...looks like lesions on his comb and wattles. Fowl pox?...the green poo would be from not eatting...bile looks bright green when they are injesting little to no food. He looks really pale and miserable...have you checked him over really well for mites? He looks anemic. I personally would check him over really well for mites, sevin dust him anyway, and maybe give him a few days and worm him...personally, I would give him sub-q fluids, but I don't know if you have access to those...

You need to get some nutrients into him too. Does he have a treat he likes particularly well? Maybe some plain yogurt? It would help re-populate his gut with benificial bacteria, especially since you have him on antibiotics, and can be a vehicle for other pedialite and a really good vitamin suplement...maybe save-a-chick or polyvisol (iron free)?

The more I look at those pictures of him, the more I am suspicious of mites or some other blood sucking parasite...please sevin dust him ASAP...I would. What do his legs look like?
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Yes, I feel horrible for him
. I have tried keeping his comb under control but nothing is working on it. No mites, we had mites last summer but got rid of them very fast. I am thinking I might put him out of his misery as I don't know what else to do, and he probably feels just awful. But, I thought I'd ask on here before doing that, just in case there is something I can do for him.

He will eat bird seed and egg shells, but not too much of it. He is literally so thin, it's just awful.
Last edited: know, I heard another BYCer mention poultry ticks...they don't stay ON the host animal, but in the coop. They come out around dusk to feed on the poor things as they may also inspect your coop very a search on BYC and see if you can find that thread...there were very helpful pictures in there.

If you are sure it is not a parasite, I would definately get him on some electrolytes (pedialite) and a vitamin suplement immediately. I wouldn't give up on him JUST yet...I would try these things first...if no improvement, I would definately cull. No reason to make him suffer, but no reason not to give him a chance if it is something you are willing to try either...the wobbliness may also be due to parasites sucking him dry by the way. It explains most of his symptoms...His compromised system wouldn't be able to fight off anything else at the moment if the parasite theory holds true. It would be the most pressing issue to resolve.
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Well, he is still in the coop with the others ( 1 other rooster and 6 hens) and they are all fine. Although he is in a dog pen so can't touch any of them. None of the others have anything wrong, all are doing just great. What could be wrong with his comb though? It appears to almost be rotting, there's a horrible odor.
Why not take him to your veterinarian before he suffers any longer. It might be something quite simple to a DVM type . . .

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