Rooster, what crosses might this be?


9 Years
May 6, 2010
SW Iowa
I know it is a mutt or anyway I think it is. What crosses might this be? It is too bad it is not a RIR that I want next year for breeding because this one has turned out to be a nice roo for me. He is scared of me which is a good thing. He takes good care of the girls though.
Grey legs, Black Copper-like color . . . Interesting, he could pass as a Marans cross.

But I doubt he is. . . I'm not sure. Anything else would be a black bird crossed with perhaps a duckwing to get that color. Did you raise him up or did you buy him from somewhere?
The Marans would have to be quite mossy and have little to no feather shanking to make offspring like this.
The Marans would have to be quite mossy and have little to no feather shanking to make offspring like this.

This is not a problem. In fact, I could box one up for you if you'd like. Just PM me the shipping details.

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