Rooster with broken upper beak


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 28, 2007
wright city mo
Hi all:

This morning I removed the barriers between my two flocks of chickens. In the personality disagreements that followed, I discovered that my Turkens roo had managed somehow to break the tip of his beak. It's not totally off, but it's broken a good 2/3 of the way across, probably 1/4 of an inch from the tip.

I put some superglue on it to help it not fall off but I'm wondering if he's going to be okay. Will he still be able to eat? Will this fall off? Is he going to be able to get enough calories with a busted upper beak? Is there anything else I can do?


He's already mad at me because I chased him down and picked him up to take a good look at it. If I need to, though, we'll go through the wildness again and I will do with him what needs to be done.

It's only the top beak, not both, and he's acting normal not counting the humiliation of being hung upside down by a female.

I'd appreciate any input or advice anyone could give me.

Thanks in advance
Trisha in MO
He's doing fine. The end of the beak fell off and he's eating and drinking with everyone else and crowing at the top of his lungs as usual.

I'll keep an eye on him though.

The talk we had settled him down a bit and he's not as aggressive as he was this morning. The birds are pretty much sticking to their own groups right now.

Trisha in MO
I think it depends on how high it broke. If it was bleeding, it may not grow back. If it wasn't bleeding, I think there's a good chance it would grow back.

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