Roosters crowing discovery?


In the Brooder
Mar 15, 2016
I put this in this section because I guess it's got to do with chicken behaviours.
We have a Light Sussex rooster and have managed to keep him from crowing. I don't know if it's the breed of more the individual, but I've heard bantams tend to crow throughout the day.
What we do is each evening we bring him inside a soundproof dog carrier, and he sleeps in there. He seems to like it because when we bring him in he snuggles up into his carrier right away. Each morning until about 8:30 am he crows and crows, and then he just stops. We take him out with his girls and for the rest of the day he doesn't make a sound. For the first week however, he would do the odd crow so we just brought him inside every time he crowed and he stopped. This don't work with the Australorp rooster we had, he just crowed throughout the day.
Now I thought it was just the individual rooster, but we got another Light Sussex rooster and he does the same! I think it's the breed, but it could just be luck I guess. Has anyone else had experiences with roosters that crow less or more?
It mostly seems to be an individual trait as far as crowing, as well as how much competition they have.
It mostly seems to be an individual trait as far as crowing, as well as how much competition they have.

Competition makes sense. We had our first 2 roosters and they were quite closely matched so there was a bit of fighting and a lot of crowing. Like I said with our second Light Sussex also being quiet, there wasn't really any competition so I guess that's why they didn't crow much :/
I currently have 14 roosters, 3 large and the rest bantam, so lots of crowing all day long, but I am in the country and enjoy the sound of them.
I currently have 14 roosters, 3 large and the rest bantam, so lots of crowing all day long, but I am in the country and enjoy the sound of them.

:) we're a little more suburban, and I guess out of respect try to keep our roosters quiet (we're allowed them though) and I find the faint sound of my rooster in the morning... I know a lot of people wouldn't though xD

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