Rooster's spurs

Chicken Ma

In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 18, 2008
El Sobrante
Not sure if I posted this in the right place, but was wondering if you can trim a rooster's spurs like you can trim dogs' toenails? Do you have to worry about cutting into a "quick"? Thanks!
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I have an older roo with long spurs. Last time we trimmed them, one bled due to cutting off a little too much. I now trim about 1/2" or less, just enough to take off the pointy tip so he does less damage. JMO.
I get my neighbor to trim my mean roo's spurs. Actually he only has one now, since he tore one off somehow. But he uses a hacksaw and trims down to about a half an inch. He is the only one who's not scared to get spured by Roo.
You should never remove the spur or 'trim' it. As a rooster gets older the spur continually grows. When it gets (my estimation) around two years old, you should take a pair of pliers and grip the spur right next to the leg. Turn half turn clockwise, and then counterclockwise, and the hard shell part of the spur should come right off. Underneath will be a soft spur. There will be a little blood on the soft spur, but within days, it will become hard again, and continue to grow. I usually do this to my birds once a year, from 2 years of age and on.

I will be posting instructions & photos on my website soon of how to shorten roosters' spurs with a minimum of pain, injury and bleeding. David--It's similar to what you do, with a few things added. It involves using a hot potato (Vaseline can also be useful), pliers, separation from other chickens, and clean bedding. I hope to have it up within a couple weeks, so anyone who's interested, look there after a bit.
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Trimming spurs is very common and most easily accomplished with the use of a Dremmel tool and cut off wheel. Get someone to hold the bird, cut the spur 3/8ths-1/2" out from the leg. The heat from the wheel usually cauterizes the root, but if bleeding occurs, pressure on the spot will stop it in a few minutes. Twisting the hard part off works also as prescribed above, but it leaves a weapon to harden in a few days. The Dremmel tool is the best method and easy.

Edited to ad: The cock will struggle a little, but once he is on the ground will act as if nothing happened. Since chickens do not feel pain in the same way other animals do, I have concuded that the struggle is caused by the unfamiliar buzzing of the tool and resistance to being manipulated.......Pop
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This thread gives a lot of information. There are several different methods.

Trimming Spurs Thread

You can say what you want about the ethics of spur trimmming. The way I look at it, if spur trimming makes it possible for a rooster to remain a productive part of your flock instead of living in isolation or being introduced to the crock pot, it is well worth it. And I think the best way to do it is the way you are most comfortable with so you can confidently do a good job.

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