Roosters suddenly fighting


🙄🤚 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝙳𝚞𝚌𝚔
Premium Feather Member
May 7, 2020
The Bermuda Triangle
Both are 2 years old, raised together with the rest of the flock, never had issues until now. 26 total in the flock, 24 hens and two BC roosters. No new additions to the flock.
I currently have them separated by keeping one in a wire cage on the run. Other than this issue they're both very friendly so it would be unfortunate if I had to rehome one.
It's been about a week since their first fight. I let them free range the day after and they continued to fight whenever they were near eachother. After letting one out today they started fighting within a minute.
Is there any way to help resolve the issue?
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Option 1 - Let them fight it out. One may kill or seriously injure the other or they may agree which is the dominant one and go back to working together.

Option 2 - Keep them permanently separated. That could be one by himself or build a coop and run for one, let the other free range, and split the girls between them.

Option 3 - Eat one.

Option 4 - Sell or give one away.
I think you have given it a fair shot. I think if you get a truce, it will be temporary and they will start fighting again. Roosters are a crap shoot, and how they were yesterday, has little to no influence next week. But once they start fighting, the aggression has a strong tendency to grow.
My three welsummer roosters grew up together fighting briefly daily, and exchanging roles as the dominant. Unfortunately, one day they decided to team up and challenge the alpha male ( Me )... then there was one. The two departed were too tough to eat ( as they were a year and half old )... tasty, but very tough. The last rooster decided to begin challenging myself and my wife... which made visiting the hens something less than enjoyable... always having to watch our backs. As such, he too had to part our company. My wife has never enjoyed the hens more than she does now. My experience is that they get more aggressive with time.
I would try using a pellet grill or a green egg and smoke him nice and slow.
BBQ is about turning the lowest quality cuts of meat into something delicious and tender.
I would also marinade him for a day first.
Then onto the pellet grill, low and slow (225F max).

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