Roosters - what are the benefits?

That sounds like fun. Right now I think I have one confirmed rooster out of my speckled sussex. So, combine my 3 PRs, 2 GCs, and 6 speckled sussex hens, I think that should be enough to keep him occupied....well I hope so anyway.

I'm going to start handling him more and working with him so he stays fairly friendly.
When they are good, they are the best. Good husbands ,they provide protection, looking for food and places to lay eggs, keeping peace in the flock, looking for the youngsters ,even keeping them under their wings,....and beauty for your eyes.
We have five outside roosters. They are all really good. They break up fights between the hens, and they keep a lookout for predators. They are really nice birds, too; they love to be held and pet and cuddled.
I've had my older rooster alert me when something was wrong with a hen. He is always very worried about his girls. We had a few pass away, and it really took a toll on him. He was very depressed and wanted to be held. He has three boys, and they are just like him (he's a BO, the hen was a silkie). They all are really attached to their hens.
My Black Cochin roo was an intruder alarm, protector and all around sweetheart. I found him yesterday morning outside of the pen. His whole back had been skinned somehow. I dont think is was my dogs. It looked more like road rash. I think he may have gone out in the road and got drug under a vehicle. Not run over by the tires, but just rolled under the middle part. I have seen people run over birds and all it did was scrape them up a bit. I treated the wounds and put him in the bathroom by himself. I was hoping against hope that he would be alright, but he died this morning. He was just too far gone I guess.
I have 7 eggs fertilized by him in the incubator. They started hatching this morning. At least I will have his first babies. 4 have hatched so far.

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