
I see one male (first pic). Other two look like pullets. But, how old? And can we get closer pics of face/comb/wattles of those two?
I will get better pictures. The other brown one and Sammy were acting like they were going to fight earlier today. I'll get pictures this evening. Thank you!!
Hi all! I'm hoping you can help me out. I know I have one rooster for sure, but I think I may have two more. If you could help me identify them, and if indeed they are roosters, I would appreciate it tons! I'm fairly new to chickens, especially roosters.
If the other two are indeed roosters, what should I do?! Three roosters is probably to much ony hens?! I only have 10 chickens, including these three "guys" the first one is Sammy, and I'm not sure of his breed. I know the other one is an Ameraucana, I'm just not sure if it's a rooster. The other one I think is a rooster but not sure of breed either.
All cocks. Sorry…I would give away 2.

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