Roosting bar space recs and minumum question


Apr 1, 2022
We have 22 birds and have a quick question.

We put 20 ft of roosting bars out in the run while coop is being built. Two 10 foot sections using 2 x 4s on a t frame.

Run is 24 x 10 with full roof will have access all winter.

These bars are wide open at night they don't use all this space. I think if I measured them they are not even using 12 feet they huddle close together. I will measure tonight as I am curious.

Why all the extra roost space for the minimums for in coop? 1 linear ft per bird etc.

Is this just for cold weather coops where they may be locked up for a week in subzero Temps and could use the extra hop around spots? If they are only sleeping and laying in the coop why?

If I lived in the south I've no idea why I would provide that much roost space with attached run or free ranging.

Just looking for all your thoughts and experience as there just must be a reason.
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They also need enough space to flap their wings as they get up on the roost.

Also, the general rule of thumb gets applied to many different sizes of coops.
If someone builds a 2 foot roosting bar for 2 chickens, they will not appear to have much extra space, compared to what your chickens have with 2 10 foot bars for 22 chickens.

When you get more than a certain amount big, you can sometimes get away with a little less space per bird, just because the total space (roosting bar, floor area, or whatever) is so much bigger overall, so they have more options about how to arrange themselves in the space.

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