Roosting bars


May 8, 2021
What does everyone think is the best size for roosting bars, and how high off the ground? Hearing a lot about 2x4s barrow side up.
I have 2x4s, narrow side up. It's worked great for almost a year now. As far as how high, higher than the nest box. They want to roost on the highest spot available. My roosts are actually pretty low, compared to some, at about 30 inches above the floor of the coop. They can jump up and down easily, and with nice soft bedding, no foot issues!
Depends on the breed and size of your chickens to figure out how high you should put it. I find that different chickens have different preferences when it comes to roost hight. It’s a bit of trial and error with roosts. Sometimes it’ll be to high, sometimes to low. I find you just adjust it when your chickens aren’t really using it until they find the hight they like and sit on it. As a start I would find the best hight for your breed and size of chickens and go from there.
I like 2x4s wide side up. I like roosts belly level in my coop. Wish I could go higher but I'm 6'2 and the coop would have to be 8 foot tall on the small side to allow me to stand in it. As long as they aint on the ground and above the nest boxes the chickens won't care.

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