the coop or in the run?

There is wire under the paved stones...about a foot and a haft...
The pavers can negate the apron wire, they may dig at edge of pavers and end up underneath the apron...I would suggest you remove the pavers from where they are and put them inside the run walls to keep the birds from digging out.
Do you have weasels in your area? I could be wrong, but I think weasels could get through that size. Is the roost in the run higher than the one in the coop? That could be why. You could try taking out or lowering the run roost and see if it will go into the coop then. Or put 1/2 inch hardware cloth all around.
Never seen a weasel...
Never seen a weasel...
They are sneaky!
...and pretty much everywhere.

Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, (laptop version shown), then it's always there!

Let me ask you: what is the grid spacing for that wire that surrounds the Run? Is that something like a 1" x 4" perhaps?

I ask because my brother has his run surrounded by 1 x 4 grid heavy gauge wire mesh, - but the local predator critters have gotten 3 of his hens in the last 2 days simply by reaching in and somehow pinning them against the wire. They then rip the hens in pieces to get them through the wire. So, just asking.....

Yes, if they're roosting next to the perimeter in the run area, raccoons can reach in and grab and kill them. They will even work together, one raccoon scaring the birds over to another that will reach through and grab them. 1/2" hardware cloth/wire is the best thing, just wrap it around the perimeter, the base if not all of it OR have them go in at night.
You aren't highly likely to see a weasel, but they are around. Gorgeous little creatures, but they'll kill many chickens in one night if they can get in. They can slip through tiny spaces.
Have lived in our house for about 30 years. Never saw a weasel until I caught on in a have a heart trap. That was within a month of putting the then pullets in the coop/run. We do border a woods/wet land.
All my runs are predator proof. So I have roost inside and out. Most roost outside in the summer. And the guineas get real upset when it rains and they have to sleep inside.

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