the coop or in the run?

Mine is a 1X2 inch....
Do you have weasels in your area? I could be wrong, but I think weasels could get through that size. Is the roost in the run higher than the one in the coop? That could be why. You could try taking out or lowering the run roost and see if it will go into the coop then. Or put 1/2 inch hardware cloth all around.
Sorry to add to the negative waves, but I also have my doubts about the security of the run due to the 1" x 2" mesh. The weasels here will get through that.
Basically your run needs to be as secure as the coop. It's not even that something can get in, it's that the chickens can't get out if something does.
I keep my pullets separated from my 3 cockerels, due to the fact that I am going to rehome my cockerels at some point, but I just haven't been able to let them go yet. (I did rehome the youngest cockerel because he had been with the pullets from hatch but was a jerk & stressing the girls out terribly) At night, my girls sleep in the henhouse locked up, which is in the locked up coop. The 3 boys sleep in the run. If I have clients scheduled (I work a few days a week from home as a small dog groomer), the girls hang out in their coop with small run & the boys hang out in the run, until I get finished with work. On most days at sunrise, I let the boys out of the run to free range & the girls have their area along with the run where the boys sleep. It's worked out well for us so far. As long as your run is secure & it works for you, let them be :D
1 x 2 wire won't keep everything out. Weasels, rats, mice and snakes come to mind that could present a problem getting into the coop and also into the feeders at night, unless the feeders are removed. Does your coop have enough light / windows, so it's not dark inside when they're supposed to be going in. Also the roost height in the run, like others have mentioned. More pictures of the inside and outside would help, to see what your dealing with.

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