Roosts and Dropping Board Sizes?

Just a few curiosity questions.

The top of the roost support boards for a Woods KD coop are specified to be 29" from the bottom of the frame. With double board 2" floors plus a 2" by 3" board longest side down the top of the roost boards will be 29" off the floor minus whatever depth of bedding is present.
  1. From what I have seen herein this is relatively low?
  2. Will a climbing ramp be required?
  3. Can I close in the 12" high area under the dropping boards to use as grow out space for young birds (would use wooden frames w/hardware cloth along the front)?
Just a few curiosity questions.

The top of the roost support boards for a Woods KD coop are specified to be 29" from the bottom of the frame. With double board 2" floors plus a 2" by 3" board longest side down the top of the roost boards will be 29" off the floor minus whatever depth of bedding is present.
  1. From what I have seen herein this is relatively low?
  2. Will a climbing ramp be required?
  3. Can I close in the 12" high area under the dropping boards to use as grow out space for young birds (would use wooden frames w/hardware cloth along the front)?
1. Height of roosts just needs to be higher than nests to prevent them from sleeping(and pooping) in nests. Chickens like to roost as high as possible, but there is no reason for them not to roost lower in a secure coop.

2. I doubt it, most should be able to fly up and down with the floor space available in your sized coop. Mine are about that height and I do have ramps because my coop is tighter on floor(landing) space...and some of the big birds I have had are rather clumsy.

3. Absolutely! Maybe make the frames removable so that floor space can be used during winter. Hmmm...wait....where do you get 12"? Roosts are 29", poop board about 8" below that, leaving 21" space under boards, correct?
1. Height of roosts just needs to be higher than nests to prevent them from sleeping(and pooping) in nests.

3. Absolutely! Maybe make the frames removable so that floor space can be used during winter. Hmmm...wait....where do you get 12"? Roosts are 29", poop board about 8" below that, leaving 21" space under boards, correct?

[I am sure glad I ask questions!]

In the picture post 5 above the bottom of next boxes is aligned with the frame support member therefore 3" below the top of the roost bars. Is this sufficiently lower?

I had to go back and re-read Woods book and discovered I made a mistake. The book says "The short 2x3 below brace is support for the dropping board and is 1 foot from the bottom of the brace to top of this support". I had read this as 1 foot from the bottom of the bottom frame therefore space underneath is 18".

Thanks for catching this!
Wish they had just dimensioned those drawings :rolleyes:
Nests look high there...I'd put top of nests just below roosts....and poop board 8" from roosts(tho that might depend on how you plan to clean boards).

It would be nice if the dimensions were on the drawing but many are missing, often they are contained in the text but even there things are omitted.

I was planning to put a sloping roof on the nest box to prevent birds from sitting on it. Also, the box as situated is using the same horizontal roost support member to rest on, I would have to do cutouts on the back vertical edges of the nest boxes to be able to move it lower (no biggie).

Moving the short dropping board supports up by 3 inches to get an 8" distance is easy.
I found that 12" between the top of the roost and the poop board made it much easier to clean as your tool is not bumping into the roost all the time.

Well, like I said, it depends on how you manage the poop board cleaning.
I use a thin(<1/8") layer of PDZ on board, and sift it all every day, using a garden hoe with handle cut down to pull it from under the roost and push it into sifter basket.

The beginning:


Well, like I said, it depends on how you manage the poop board cleaning.
I use a thin(<1/8") layer of PDZ on board, and sift it all every day, using a garden hoe with handle cut down to pull it from under the roost and push it into sifter basket.

I have read many recommendations for PDZ to reduce ammonia smells, as many or more for the use of dropping boards. I guess that PDZ or a substitute is available in Canada so I will go that route.

I will do my best to clean it every day including winters that can get pretty ugly.

Had not got to specific of tools, it occurred that I would use something like a cat litter scoop but have no experience to know whether that would work. In considering the dimensions of roosts and dropping board I realized that leaning across a four foot span would be challenging. Your solution makes sense and implies no higher edge on the dropping board?

The short dropping board supports will be able to be moved easily.
I guess that PDZ or a substitute is available in Canada so I will go that route.
Not sure about that. Search for zeolite.

Your solution makes sense and implies no higher edge on the dropping board?
I do have an edge, planned on using more depth of sand/PD, but that has changed. Have read of someone who just scrapes all poops off then just sprinkles some PDZ over the boards for odor reduction.
Lots of way to manage poop boards.


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