Rose the Rooster meets Princess the cat! ** PICS **

Thanks Kelli.. she gets that love for animals from me!

here's me in Kentucky at around age 16. (15 years ago!!EEEKK )
Now I have my own poultry!


I haven't looked at the vid yet but love the picture of Rose on your dd.

why don't you just call him sissy boy? ha ha.

Love your youth pix---you free spirit you!

I found it! Finally!!

LOL. Here it is, I guess your pictures reminded me of it, because in most of the pictures the roo is staring at the cat and it reminded me of "Chuck the Chicken" spying on the cats. I am in no way implying that your cat will seek revenge on the chicken by the way..

Here it is, enjoy:

Ha Ha Kim.. that was hilarious. Celeste and I watched it.

time for bed now though!

thanks for the fun!

thanks Hangin' wit my peeps!
Beautiful pics! My 2 chickens love to come in the house too. They get really loud about it if it is too hot outside! LOL! Love the roo named Rose! I have a pullet named Roger, because we thought he/she was going to be a roo! LOL! Now DS wants to rename her Emily, but she comes to Roger! We can't change it now! LOL!


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