Rouen Duck thread

I wasn't sure if I should let her out of her pen today or not, and then I thought about it. I want her to come in her pen at night and be able to go in the pond during the day. so I let her back out this afternoon now I'm hoping she will come home. I can see her, she's at the edge of the pond.
With your ducks, why are they not going in your pond? You have to watch out for those snapping turtles. Maybe in a couple days they will go back in the pond. Keep me posted.
That's what I want my ducks to range and play in the pond all day and come in at night. I don't know what happened??? I haven't seen a snapper in there. There is a painted turtle that sun bathes on a log everyday. I put a few horses in that pasture now, so the ducks are scared of them at the I had a bull in there a few weeks ago....they were scared to death of him, but then got to where they swam next to him while he cooled off in the pond. I just don't know what scared them when there wasn't anything in thet pasture and it does seem to be something in the middle of the pond, because they hug the edges. Is your duck coming and going now like you want? Did the other one come back?
When do drakes start changing? My ducks are 10 (closer to 11 now) weeks and still no green head. I'm pretty sure he's a male bc his quack is very quiet almost horse
Wow you must have a lot of land? The one duck comes back every three days to eat. I don't know how to train him to come back every night so the predators don't get him. The other duck never came back. Every once in a while I see him swimming in the middle of the pond, I know he's okay. I'm not too worried at this point. Until winter comes then I'll worry.
That's what I want my ducks to range and play in the pond all day and come in at night.  I don't know what happened???  I haven't seen a snapper in there.  There is a painted turtle that sun bathes on a log everyday.  I put a few horses in that pasture now, so the ducks are scared of them at the  I had a bull in there a few weeks ago....they were scared to death of him, but then got to where they swam next to him while he cooled off in the pond.  I just don't know what scared them when there wasn't anything in thet pasture and it does seem to be something in the middle of the pond, because they hug the edges.  Is your duck coming and going now like you want?  Did the other one come back?
winter come then I'll worry.
When do drakes start changing? My ducks are 10 (closer to 11 now) weeks and still no green head. I'm pretty sure he's a male bc his quack is very quiet almost horse

He should have started already. If you go back through the older posts you can see pics of the changes males go through :)
not sure if this is a hen or not, the turned up feather notes a drake, but i have a certain drake in the backyard as well and hes got a green head already?!
That's deff a drake. He has very interesting colors. What breed is he? ETA: he looks like an apricot colored call duck only not call duck size...
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3 acres I'm thinking its time to see some new pics of your darlings as I'm sure they are just gorgeous!

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