Rouen Duck thread

Yeah, we have 2 Rouen, 2 Campbell and two Cayuga. All female except for Tron

I have all the breeds too, along with some others. What I think is very cool about my cayugas is they lay black eggs at first but then tamper to gray and eventually white. But its so cool getting a black egg. :)
But they usually lay all winter so don't worry about not having duck eggs.

Do you have lights in they're duck house or do they lay all winter long even with the reduce day light?
Do you have lights in they're duck house or do they lay all winter long even with the reduce day light?

They lay all winter. I did have a heat la,mp with them for part of the winter but even without they were still god layers
Hi every one. New to the forum and new to duck ownership in general. I volunteer at a rescue and this lovely ducking was drop offer afterits parents abandoned her and the lady spent the next 3 days imprinting herand then dropped her of work us. So long story, I have acquired a very lovely, beautiful, funny Rouen duck. She is a pet, stay indoors with us. She loves her peas and lettuce, but tonight she seems to be acting a bit weird. Maybe it's the weather change. First after being the food was coming, she launched herself up in the air about 3 for. Scared us both. She came over to the treat area with full water as well and she's take a few bits move around you a new spot, lay down and softly peep. She even let me pet her. Then she got up and did it a couple more times around the dish. I noticed a little white discharge, but she was also po oping in other places so didn't seem to our of character. Anyone else have an experience like this? Not sure if she's sick o or going to start laying eggs.
Hi I am new to BYC. In May we got a small flock of chickens and 4 ducks. We were told 2 were Rouens. Here are their pictures. Can anyone tell me what color and size the eggs will be?

The other 2 we are not sure about what breed they are. Do any of you happen to know? we were told he was a Black Swedish but he doesn't look like the images I've seen on google.

We told she was a Blue Swedish, again, she doesn't look like images of them that I've seen. She is really sweet and the smallest of all the ducks. she has a very caramel type color. They were all about 1 week old when we got them in mid May. If you know what she is can you tell me what color and size egg she might have? Thanks in advance for any info on them.

They are such a joy to have. I could (and do) spend hours watching them.
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The 2 you said are rouens are indeed rouens. The other two are not even close to Swedish. The other boy might be a silver appleyard drake. It looks like the right coloring. And the other female I'm not so sure about. I wanna say a Rouen but she doesn't have the blue in her wings that Rouen and mallards have. She could just be miscolored but I'm not sure. She deff isn't a Swedish though.

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