Rouen Duck thread

22% layer pellet. They also free range from daylight to dark on 3 acres and have creek access. She prob lays 5 a week, but out laying my leghorns.
Mine, well it would not matter one bit if I wanted them to lay in winter-- they just don't. Less daylight, colder temps, molting... Mother Nature tells the ducks what to do, not me. I feed a consistent diet of 16% protein year round. I might change to a layer feed with calcium but that's it.
Oooh yay a Rouen duck thread!
I didn't know there was one! Here's my rouen drake Rick Grimes.

I was completly shocked when I got my first egg. I didn't think or expect her to lay until the spring. Now I feel very rushed because she is the only duck I have and I have 3 drakes. Now I have to find more ducks to go with her before their hormones kick in. I thought would have until Spring...
K Epp

I just got these and that was the program they were on. He has had ducks for years and that's what he told me to do.

I don't want eggs now to have babies in the coldest part of the year.
I believe they only have so many eggs to lay in their life time, why get them when the cold could kill them before you can pick them up.
My Rouen hen petunia lays an egg EVERY DAY she started laying about a month ago and hasn't missed a single day.


I punts solid back on my duck hut to help with the winter winds

You say Mother Nature will tell her to stop laying her eggs soon? I thought since they are domesticated that wouldn't happen

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