Rouen Duck thread

Yeah...I'm pretty sure its still too soon to tell and mine is starting to make noises that seem like they may be turning into I think only time will tell...and on another note it looks like we have matching duckling pairs lol this pic is a few weeks old but its the most recent one I have of them together

how cool! What is your other duck? How old are they?
Kind of an odd pair huh? I have noticed my buff is a bit more docile than my rouen/mallard so far. Buff isn't as wild when I pick her up but the rouen is kind of lazy once he gets comfy in my lap. He clawed me up last night as I carried him up the stairs to the kitchen. I had to wrap him in a towel to get him back down stairs. Ruby the buff I can easy just carry and she doesn't flail all over. Haha!
If you're seeing green its probably a male. The feathers start pronouncing themselves around the bill area first.
The green is because green is a structural color...the feather structure refracts light so we see the green light wavelengths. That
does look like a drake.


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