Rouen Duck thread

Look like 2 ducks to me....doesn't look like a drake. I'd like to see the being extended to see the tertial coverts.

Clint can you give me your opinion on Rouen or Mallard now that he is older? Also I got him at a local feed store and he has all his toes. They are supposed to have a hind toe clipped if mallard right? Sorry, pic in next post. I'm having issues uploading.

He is 5 weeks in this pic. The buff is also 5 weeks and female.
Finally have 4 rouen ducklings out of eggs. t least 2 more pips active. And wouldn't ya know it the temp dropped like a rock last night after the thunderstorm we had last night. Still have about a dozen eggs in incubator due over next month, after this hatch finishes.

He is 5 weeks in this pic. The buff is also 5 weeks and female.

Do think it is a Rouen, too close in size to the buff for the age. I would say it is a duck, not a drake. Again, I would prefer to make the call from an out stretched wing so I could see the tertial coverts.

Probably beginning middle-ish of March I bought two rouen ducks from tractor supply...still can't figure out what is quacks loud and obnoxious and the other kinda squeaks as it tries to quack...they both have almost identical markings but the one that squeaks head when light hits just right you can see green tint in the feathers.... Would it be safe to assume i have a drake and hen? And also...i feel so helpless the one that quacks walks with a limp and will lift that leg often to take weight off and I noticed it's feet appear to not have fully developed it's webbing is very small and narrow on the favored there anything I can really do for it? Or will it make due on its own?

The one on left is the one I'm assuming is a drake...?

I see 2 ducks. Neither looks like a drake. But they are young.

Here is a good picture of what they should look like. Drake on the left and Duck on the right.
Do think it is a Rouen, too close in size to the buff for the age. I would say it is a duck, not a drake. Again, I would prefer to make the call from an out stretched wing so I could see the tertial coverts.

He is a drake. Not sure how good this video is but it is yhe most recent thing I have of them. They are 6 weeks here. Grrrrrr video in next post.
I couldn't get Ruby to be quiet so Flynn's voice could be heard. Toward the end he can be heard though. He was mad that I was bugging him.
End count on Rouen ducklings is 6 healthy happy chirping babies. So relieved I had some hatch. Their mam seems so lonely w/o any more ducks around. When they feather out some I will introduce them to her and see how things go.

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