Rough eggshells on one end


Oct 11, 2015
I have a 1 year old hen she has always layed her eggs this way, I have tried to change feed and give oyster shell her shells are very thin also. Is this normal? The rest of my hens lay normal.

As only one bird is showing issues it is likely just a quirk of the bird vs. an issue of your feed program, etc. What *are* you currently feeding? Are your birds taking in sufficient Vitamin D to enable absorption and use of the calcium in their diet? Are your birds well hydrated at all times? Where does the bird fall on the pecking order? The last question is one that can cause an issue where a bird in a flock where everything would seem to be optimal (feed, water, etc) is not able to access sufficient amounts of those resources - resulting in a bird that "should" have all they need but is still showing signs of deficiency
Thank you, I only have 5 and she is in the middle but she gets the most worms and treats when I give them because she will eat from my hand but they always have plenty of purina laying feed and water.

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