Round 2 with a broody

Verry good thing!
Day 18 I think. I am expecting that if any hatch it will be a late hatch. The first hen would get up a few time a day and stay out for what I feel is a little too long.

The new white mama is stayin gout and not getting up at all. I tried coaxing her out to eat and drink.. But she is a big girl and hopefully only has to set a few days anyways....

<3 N.C Chicken Chick <3 :

When mine went broody I would take her off the nest 2 times a day of 10 or so minutes. If she broodie poops on your eggs you will take her out for a break too. Giant poo smells like

I am so not looking forward to the giant broody poop. And she must have heard me talking about her. She got up and ate this morning.

It was a whopping 16 degress out yesterday, maybe she did not want them to get too cold :) Good mama. I did give her soem scrambled duck eggs last night :) Myabe if I bribe her she will stay.

She fluffs up much better than the last one and seems to keep the eggs more arranged than scattered like the last one.

Just a few more days....​
silkie eggs Day 8, I candled them this morning and i have 4 very strong little swimmers Rosebud(daughter named her) was very patient while my daughter and I candled my daugher was every excited to see them moving, our first broody hatch didn't go so well we only had one make it to hatch and he's a blue OEBG/Blue Andy cross he looks just like a mini blue andy.

Mystery Egg maybe day 3 or 4 I think my turken laid in Rosebud's nest Sunday it has nice veining a nice big eye
I know how you feel.

I put 42 eggs in the incubator a few days ago as well. Not to mention the 25 chicks brooding in the garage. I am not sure what I was thinking at the time but oh well.

They could be hatching any day now... I think this is day 20 ish.

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