Rubber Egg / Chickens Laying less - Help!

Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! You've gotten some good advice above. Hope your girls start laying regularly again soon.

The girls laid 4 eggs yesterday and no rubber eggs!! :) Thank you all for your advice and tips. Very excited to learn more and be apart of the flock!!
I love the idea of the 5 gallon bucket with nipple dispensers! Could someone tell me how to make it and where to get the supplies?? That would be a huge help for me!
Thank you!
My girls are 4 1/2 months old. I got 2 real nice eggs 2 days ago then yesterday I got a rubber egg the size of the yolk and today I got a full size rubber egg with a broken shell !! I am new to raising chickens can someone please help me?? I read the one persons ran out of water which us not the case for me!!

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