Rubbery Yolk Skin


In the Brooder
Sep 2, 2019
New England, USA
We cracked open an egg that was laid yesterday and there was a thick skin around the yolk. When you broke through the skin, the regular yolk came out with a glob of blood vessels. The white of the egg seemed a little weird too, but I cracked in the pan and it fell out so quickly I couldn't quite look at it before it began cooking.
The other thing was this egg was very large in size and the shell was very thin. Our pullets just began laying a couple weeks ago, so it was quite the surprise with the size of the egg.
Any thoughts as to why this freak-egg happened? 20190902_124911.jpg


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We cracked open an egg that was laid yesterday and there was a thick skin around the yolk. When you broke through the skin, the regular yolk came out with a glob of blood vessels. The white of the egg seemed a little weird too, but I cracked in the pan and it fell out so quickly I couldn't quite look at it before it began cooking.
The other thing was this egg was very large in size and the shell was very thin. Our pullets just began laying a couple weeks ago, so it was quite the surprise with the size of the egg.
Any thoughts as to why this freak-egg happened?View attachment 1896124
Welcome To BYC!
Looks like a shell membrane inside of an egg correct?
Since they are new layers, I would mark it up as a laying glitch unless it's consistent.
Sometimes it can take some time to get all the "timing" just right.
Do you offer oyster shell free choice and what do you feed?
Welcome To BYC!
Looks like a shell membrane inside of an egg correct?
Since they are new layers, I would mark it up as a laying glitch unless it's consistent.
Sometimes it can take some time to get all the "timing" just right.
Do you offer oyster shell free choice and what do you feed?

That sounds appropriate from what it felt like. I didn't think of it like that, thank you.
We do not offer oyster shells, but occasionally feed them crushed egg shells along with they're ability to get many pebbles from all the sand around here. We feed them organic layer pellets from a local feed supplier.
That sounds appropriate from what it felt like. I didn't think of it like that, thank you.
We do not offer oyster shells, but occasionally feed them crushed egg shells along with they're ability to get many pebbles from all the sand around here. We feed them organic layer pellets from a local feed supplier.
I would still offer Oyster Shell free choice, just place in it a separate container inside the coop or run.
Oyster shell is used to supplement Calcium, they will take what they need.

Sand/small pebbles and/or crushed granite is Grit - this is used in the gizzard to process food. If you have a lot of sand/rocky soil then usually they will find suitable grit for their gizzard without you having to purchase it.
Since they are new layers, I would mark it up as a laying glitch unless it's consistent.
Ditto Dat^^^
It can take up to a month or so for things to smooth out.

I'd bet that was a softshell egg that 'backed up', got re-membraned and then forward again to be shelled.
The blob of veins is probably a follicle and immature ova shed from the ovary.
Usually the ova is released from the follicle(which stays attached to ovary), but sometimes the follicle breaks loose too.

Might be explained in this excellent video, which is worth watching regardless:
Welcome to ByC eggcited to have you here, sorry for still working on coffee.
I buy a 50 lb bag of Oyster shell for cheaper than a small bag and it so car has lasted them about a year and a half lol for between 7-10 hens
Thank you all very much!
I just found an egg outside that had a thick membrane around the yolk again, but no shell! So I think you all are right on. I just went out to buy a 50lb back of oyster shells. I don't know if its worth trying to figure which girl is laying the wonky eggs. I've narrowed it down to 2 possible chickens.
Thank you all very much!
I just found an egg outside that had a thick membrane around the yolk again, but no shell! So I think you all are right on. I just went out to buy a 50lb back of oyster shells. I don't know if its worth trying to figure which girl is laying the wonky eggs. I've narrowed it down to 2 possible chickens.
I do think it's worth figuring out which girl is laying those eggs. In new layers, soft shell/shell-less eggs can be common, but if it continues and you know "who" you can try offering her additional calcium and/or vitamins as an individual to see if that corrects it.

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