Ruen duck eggs past 28 day incubation

AT this point you shouldn't be able to see much in the egg, it should be all dark, as the duckling is filling up the space. I would tap on the egg and see if you hear a pip.
The floating method has worked for me. I fill a bucket with luke-warm water and place the eggs in the water. If they jerk or wiggle around (and the water is settled) then there may be something still alive inside.
Ducks are harder than chickens to hatch
good luck
I spoke too soon. I opened the incubator this morning and it didn't smell good. We decided to open them up and were so sad to see that they were all formed but unfortunately all dead. The membrane was still in tact. I even put warm water on them but had no luck. How did they get this far and die just before hatch time? Could it be the fluctuation in the incubator temperature at the end?
Daffy, there are so many unknowns when it comes to incubating. I have heard that a few degreed to cool (98 in a still air is pretty cool) can cause deformities are weak ducklings that don't hatch.

But this is the way we learn Try again and I am sure you will have better luck with your future hatches.

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