Run to Outdoor Brooder Conversion -- Rush Job

Since somehow snakes managed to get in and eat 7 of my most recent 12 chicks and since I have more chicks hatching on Sunday, I decided to put a floor on this thing.

This has been easier said than done because the man who built it wasn't really a very good builder and I'm having to cope with some of his bad design decisions -- including the one that made it turn out about 52" wide instead of 48" wide.

DH gave me an old sheet of 3/8" plywood that's warped from him using it as a makeshift outdoor worktable and I'm making up the difference in fence pickets.

I'll have photos later, but I *might* have found the place where another of those construction oddities created a spot that wouldn't sit quite flush to the ground. A corner of door "jam" (to use the word very loosely), that would have prevented me from putting the floor on it if I hadn't trimmed it and thus must have been holding that spot up *maybe* 3/4" above the packed gravel pad.

The door itself was also warped by just about that much, so I put in a proper door jam.

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