~Run With The Pack~ Wolf Story

I know
I really wish I'd been able to post on that thread more before I came back. I mean, that was kinda its own special era, you know? The rest was fun, but...
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Chapter 11

Cedar's heart stopped cold. Aki's eyes burned with fury, and his lips curled up in a furious snarl. No...!

Faedon seized her chance, digging her teeth into the side of Cedar's neck. Cedar yelped, kicking Faedon's abdomen and flung her off. Jumping to her paws, Cedar snapped her jaws wildly at Faedon's face. Faedon howled, stumbling back. A weight crashed into Cedar, and for a brief second she thought it was Aki and went limp. But as she opened her eyes, she saw it was Quartz. Quartz snarled, smacking a paw across Cedar's nose. Cedar flinched, and instinctively snapped at Quartz's leg. Quartz snarled, trying to yank her paw back, but Cedar only bit down harder. Faedon launched herself at Cedar, and as Faedon smashed into her, Cedar let Quartz's paw go.

"You feather-headed fools!" Cedar snarled, trying to get up. But Faedon met her with a snap of her jaws on the muzzle, and Cedar yelped. Faedon leaped forward, her forelegs standing on Cedar's chest. Cedar wheezed for air, and kicked Faedon's abdomen again. Faedon wheezed, and as Cedar snapped her jaws at Faedon's face, she stumbled back. Cedar flung herself at Faedon, crashing back into her and sending her slamming against the alpha's rock. Faedon yelped, kicking out. Cedar was about to deliver the killing bite, when a wolf slammed into her again. Her limbs locked up when she realized it was Aki.

"Traitor!" Aki growled through her fur. "You will pay!"

Instinctively, Cedar snapped her jaws at his face, even though she didn't want to. Aki took her by her hind leg and swung her away. Cedar skidded back with a yelp, flinching as she felt her pelt scratch open where she hit the ground hardest. Slowly, she opened her eyes and saw three wolves standing around her threateningly: Faedon, Quartz... and Aki. Three against one... the odds were against her. Badly.

"So all of this time, you were with Darkpack, Cedar?!" Aki snarled.

"Yeah, I was!" Cedar shot back angrily. Her mind clouded again, and all she wanted to do was fight.

"That's disgusting! We actually trusted you!" Aki snarled. "How could you?!" Cedar curled her lips up in a snarl and started to back away, but stopped when Faedon came around, blocking her exit.

"WHY?!" Aki barked again, this time louder. He stepped forward menacingly.

"Yeah Cedar, care to tell us why?" Faedon spat, matching Aki's steps and snarling furiously.

Cedar growled and bristled, "The real question is how you mangy-furred idiots actually manage to feed your little pack of mutts!"

Aki snarled at her words. He crouched low and sprang her with all his might, forcing her to the ground. She skidded into the rocks with a yelp, and she snapped at his face. He winced as her teeth caught him just above his eyes. He stumbled back as blood clouded his vision. Cedar was about to take advantage, but hesitated. She stepped back, trying to regain her footing. Faedon threw herself at Cedar, snarling. "Get away from him!" she snarled, lashing out with a snap of her jaws.

Cedar regained her focus and sidestepped, but was too slow and got a deep gash in her side. She bristled, and snapped at Faedon, but missed. Aki jumped to Faedon's side. "Get out." he growled at Cedar, his voice low and dangerous.

Every hair on Cedar's pelt bristled. "And you're going to make me?" she spat.

"Even if it kills me!" he warned. His eyes blazed with fury, and his body trembled with anger.

"We all will," Faedon snarled.

Before Cedar had time to react, Aki bunched his powerful hind legs and launched himself at Cedar. Cedar yelped, his fangs tearing down the base of her neck and her side. She snapped at his throat, trying not too fall. Even as her teeth tore into his neck, Aki didn't give way. Just above the shoulder, he snapped at her ribs, shoving against her as he tried to take her off her feet. Cedar stumbled back, flinching. Aki jumped away, before he lunged up and tried smashing his large paws onto her head. She dodged, used to the trick since she used it so often. Aki's paws hit the ground painfully; he rolled and tried to regain his footing, while Cedar took the time to get back her bearings.

Aki jumped back to his feet. He crouched down, a menacing growl erupting from his throat as he gave Cedar a hard kick in the ribs. Cedar snarled, and was about to jump to her paws. "To think that I loved you!" Aki spat.

Instantly, Cedar froze. The fog clouding her mind seemed to fade briefly. Aki... Aki loved me?

"I was going to ask you to be my mate today," Aki growled. Cedar's vision began to blur. "But it's too late for that now." He snapped his jaws at her, and Cedar cringed and yelped as she felt her ear tear right off. "Today you die, Cedar!" Cedar didn't even try to fight back as Aki lifted her up by her foreleg, swinging her into the alpha's rock head first. Darkness overtook her vision, and she blacked out.


Cedar's eyes fluttered open slowly as she regained consciousness. Her eyes darted around the clearing; the fighting was still going on, but Aki, Faedon, and Quartz had left. She rose to her paws slowly, recalling the events that had happened before she'd blacked out. Aki hates me...

Cedar's gaze fell upon Faedon, who was on the other side of the densite. She watched them fight from a distance; Faedon charged at Atra, and the dark she-wolf whipped around. Atra slashed at Faedon, and the red furred she-wolf stumbled back, scoring a hard blow on Atra's shoulder with her fangs. Atra charged for Faedon, bowling her over and sending them both rolling. Faedon slashed at her neck again and again, often drawing blood but not deep enough to kill her.

Cedar knew that Atra was winning. Faedon fought and fought... but Atra's experience and training was just too much for her. Cedar felt a sharp stab of pain as she watched Faedon's movements slowly grow weaker, and Cedar remembered how many times they'd hunted alongside each other. She's so loyal... they all are... unlike me.

Cedar's heart was torn. I joined Darkpack because I wanted power. But... what's more powerful? Violence, or loyalty? Cedar's memory went back to when Senkah took her in. I know she didn't trust me initially, but she took me in and was so kind to me. If... if I really had been on the run, she would have saved my life. And Faedon, and Quartz... they're both my best friends... they're kinder than everyone in Darkpack combined.

Faedon cried out as she was slammed into a boulder. Atra growled, lunging for her again.

...What was I missing? Why did I join Darkpack, when all I ever wanted was here in Stonepack all along?

Faedon gasped as she had the air knocked from her lungs, falling onto the snow roughly. Atra stood over her triumphantly. Behind her, Luna and River were having to restrain Senkah. Senkah had resorted to begging Atra to not kill her daughter, but her pleads fell on deaf ears.

Cedar's face hardened. I probably won't have a chance to come back. I don't expect them to trust me again. I don't expect Senkah and Hades to take me back. I don't expect Aki to love me again. But I owe it to them all for what they did for me... even if I was just a spy. She snarled, and raced across the clearing.

Atra's jaws were wrapped around Faedon's neck, and Faedon's eyes were closed tightly as she waited for death to come. Right before Atra broke her neck, though, a weight crashed into her. Atra yelped, instinctively letting Faedon go as she skidded across the ground. She was so surprised that Cedar had done that, she didn't do anything. "Cedar! What are you doing?!" Atra barked. "You're DARKPACK!"

"Not anymore, Atra," Cedar growled, snapping at Atra's face. Blood welled up at the edge of Atra's ear as half of it was torn off. "Darkpack is worthless. Stonepack gave me more than you could ever give me."

"Cedar..." Faedon breathed.

Cedar took Atra's foreleg and swung her into a tree. "You mess with Stonepack, and you mess with me. They are my pack now."

As she said those words, Cedar felt empowered... not in the sense that she ruled many wolves, like she'd been seeking for in Darkpack. A fog that had been clouding her mind almost her whole life was lifted, a weight taken off her shoulders. She'd discovered her purpose. She had what she wanted all along: Companionship.

Cedar realized she'd been standing there for just a second too long. "IDIOT!" Atra roared, jumping to her paws. She raced over faster than Cedar could blink; Cedar tried to leap back, but she was too slow. She let out a mix between a squeal and a whimper as Atra crashed into her, sinking her jaws into her neck. Cedar flailed her legs wildly, desperately trying to escape. Her mind raced as Atra's jaws squeezed on her throat, before dropping her onto the snow below her, stained as red as Cedar's pelt from blood.

"That oughta be a lesson for all of you," Atra spat at Cedar's body, "This is what you get when you defy Darkpack!" Atra then disappeared amongst the ever-raging battle. River and Luna took after her as well, abandoning Senkah.

Cedar gasped for air, her mind racing. Faedon shot to her paws, racing over to Cedar. "Cedar!" she cried. "No... it can't be too late, Cedar!"

Cedar's vision was already beginning to blur. She felt numbness start to creep down her spine. That couldn't be a good sign. Then, she remembered something else. She'd seen it happen so much from living in Darkpack, it wasn't funny.

When wolves only think they are going to die, they panic. But... when they know they are going to die, they get very calm. Cedar's heart gave a sorrowful lurch as it hit her.

That's where I am...

"Faedon..." she gasped, "Tell... t-tell Aki I-l-loved him..."

"I-I will," Faedon choked, "but-"

"And... please tell Senkah and H-Hades... and everyone e-else... I'm sorry... for betraying y-you all..." Black spots peppered Cedar's vision.

Even though her body was going numb, Cedar felt fur brush against her pelt. Faedon laid down beside her, lapping at the wound on her neck desperately. Aki...? She tried to lift her head when she heard a voice; she couldn't make out exactly what he was saying, since Faedon blocked one ear, and the other was clogged and matted with dried blood.

"No, Cedar," Faedon whimpered, "Don't talk like that! You're going to be okay! We'll do something!"

Though Cedar's vision was going blurry, she could make out several shapes around her: Senkah, Faedon, Quartz, and... Aki. "Please don't be s-sad, Faedon..." Mustering the little strength she had left, she gave Faedon a weak lick on the muzzle. "I got what I w-wanted... I-I'm happy..." She coughed a bit as blood bubbled from her mouth. She blinked softly as she felt someone nuzzle her. Aki...

Cedar's vision was fading, and the voices around her were slurring together and getting quieter and quieter. She knew she was dying... but she was happy. Faedon was safe. Better I die, than a loyal wolf like Faedon, she thought. "Goodbye," she choked out. She could hear Faedon very faintly wail.

Cedar's tail thumped halfheartedly on the ground. The world faded to darkness, as her eyes closed... for the last time.
(*crying so hard right now*)

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