Runner-drake-youths, give-away to good home

Yeah. Ol' Count Blackula reproduced himself in spades. The one I keep, I will name Vlad. I have to keep the theme going. I hope I can find homes for the other 4 or 5. Luckily I have some time. They become "masculine" for a while yet.. right?
It depends on the individual drake and breed. My two runners were late developers, but the Buff-Orpington is already a state-wide looked after serial rapist.
Have you named one of the girls "Mina"?
I need to start looking for my drakes too. I love hatching but then you get drakes. It is definitely the year of the drake. I got three and the snake killed my only hen. 4 more in the brooder, not old enough to sex yet.

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