Runner duck behavior observed...


Mar 28, 2020
So this morning something unusual happened.

And being interested in the research I was immediately curious if others had observed this in some duck breeds. Curious what you think? My initial hypothesis is that people who keep their ducks in a coop at night won't have observed this or may have reduced frequency possibly?


This morning went out extra early to feed them, by accident. I was only about a half hour earlier than normal. And when outside I saw one duck was missing. I immediately was worried. They just don't miss their meals see...

After feeding most of them I spotted the one runner duck in a corner sitting on some of the eggs. She wasn't broody yet. (I think). But she was sitting on them. I finished chores and came back because I knew she'd missed her food and was already skinnier than the others.

Lo and behold, when I check out what she's doing there's one more egg there than before. But in addition to that she'd covered up the other eggs with mud. This baffled me. The other eggs there I hadn't picked up yesterday or the day before so there was about 6 total there. But yesterday 4 of those were clean and without mud for the most part. Today there was a sizeable amount of mud on them, all except for 1.

The mud covering thing is sort of intriguing and baffling at the same time. Its this behavior that I was curious about. Anyone see anything like this? And if you did was it runner ducks or some other type? Which types do this?

So this morning something unusual happened.

And being interested in the research I was immediately curious if others had observed this in some duck breeds. Curious what you think? My initial hypothesis is that people who keep their ducks in a coop at night won't have observed this or may have reduced frequency possibly?


This morning went out extra early to feed them, by accident. I was only about a half hour earlier than normal. And when outside I saw one duck was missing. I immediately was worried. They just don't miss their meals see...

After feeding most of them I spotted the one runner duck in a corner sitting on some of the eggs. She wasn't broody yet. (I think). But she was sitting on them. I finished chores and came back because I knew she'd missed her food and was already skinnier than the others.

Lo and behold, when I check out what she's doing there's one more egg there than before. But in addition to that she'd covered up the other eggs with mud. This baffled me. The other eggs there I hadn't picked up yesterday or the day before so there was about 6 total there. But yesterday 4 of those were clean and without mud for the most part. Today there was a sizeable amount of mud on them, all except for 1.

The mud covering thing is sort of intriguing and baffling at the same time. Its this behavior that I was curious about. Anyone see anything like this? And if you did was it runner ducks or some other type? Which types do this?

My Rouen Hen covered her nest with mud and leaves. Two hens were laying in the same nest but neither would sit on them. I brought some of the eggs in the house and put them in a rinky dink incubator that I made myself and low and behold, two of them are looking very promising. They are due to hatch out the end of May. I also hatched out two from an abandoned nest from my Mallard hen and two others are still waiting to hatch. This will be weeks apart for each hatch so I may end up with three brooders but I am ready for that. They are in my living room. I love my husband, he puts up with me and my Luv for Ducks!

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