*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

Everyone in the runner duck club, I have two healthy fawn and white indian runner drakes (both 1-year-old) in need of re-homing. They are brothers, best buddies, and partners. Very mild mannered, tolerant of being handled, and aren't too rough with the girls. Very good protectors and guardians of their flock. Would be great for breeding stock (their sisters started laying at 6 mos. old, and layed reliably through the winter), or will just make a great addition to your flock.

Must have experience with water fowl, and must currently have a flock. These two are meant to live with a group. Must live in Northern CO (will not ship). Trying to have them re-homed by this Sunday (4/26).

(We are getting rid of our whole flock because our environment is not conducive to happy duck living. 3 of the 6 females from our flock have gotten pretty bad bumblefoot from the rocky, dry compacted ground. It is only getting worse as the weather heats up. All 6 females are going to a friend with more land that is grassy and will hopefully be rehabilitated. Unfortunately, they don't want the drakes, which brings me here. The drakes seem to be tougher, and though they have some cracks in their feet, they don't seem to show signs of bumblefoot.

It goes to say that indian runners are small ducks, and bring more value to you alive rather than dead. It wouldn't be worth the work to process them, plus their personalities will bring you much more happiness alive.)

Oh man... if I had the room, I would take them. I hope you find a good home for them!
Hello, I hope I'm welcome here >.< I'm new to runners ( and ducks in general )and am trying to get all the info I can, I currently have 6 ducklings from my local rual king and they're 3 weeks old, two white and four with mallard coloring ( I think anyways...) and I'm eager to learn what I can! :)



Hello, I hope I'm welcome here >.< I'm new to runners ( and ducks in general )and am trying to get all the info I can, I currently have 6 ducklings from my local rual king and they're 3 weeks old, two white and four with mallard coloring ( I think anyways...) and I'm eager to learn what I can!

Welcome! Your babies are super cute! I'm jealous of your mallard colored runners. For some reason, I think that coloring is called "trout" on a runner. Not sure why, but I love how it looks on a slim runner body.
I have found the Duck Forum to be - 95% of the time - a very welcoming place.  After all, we are human, and I have not met anyone who is 100% yet ;)

Welcome to the world of Runners.  I am guessing you have a Runner and two Rouens.  So pretty!

Have you seen this?  Very helpful.  https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/750869/raising-and-caring-for-ducklings#post_10611711

Sign said they were runners so that's what I'm assuming, and by their behavior so far it seems to be proving correct :) they all stand up straight when they run and such.
Hi, all Runner lovers, i got my runners from the breeder, they arrived Wed, one DOA, out of 10. I am concerned w/one little (t/smallest) female chocolate runner. I named her hopper, because she hops. Her balance is not good & she looks like she is breathing heavy. Im going to attach a video (hopefully) can anyone see what is wrong?
I have given them sugar water the first day, then switched to water w/electrolyte powder & i put in a tsp of molasses. They are eating Flock Raiser, i gave it dry and i made a seperate bowl of mash using t/flock raiser & the electrolyte water, oh & i put some brewers yeast in t/dry & wet. Maybe im doing too much?
@amiga can u look @ my pics Thanks
My video will not load, boo hoo. I will attacha pics, hope they help?


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