*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

The injury maybe severe. Ive never seen one like it. She will walk on forearm not on foot at all and only for few steps lays down gets up few steps lays back down. I will try the bath as soon as I get home. How long do you think I should allow her to be in the bath?
I would let her float as long as she would like - at least half an hour - if she becomes unhappy, then take her out. Bath time is an opportunity for you to look closely at her leg and find where it's hurt. She may need a sling for a while, or a splint.

T-Relief is herbal medicine for muscle sprains and pulls. I have used it on me and the ducks.
Thank you for your advice. If I do need to splint it do you have any suggestions. I called all vets close this morning none will do anything with ducks. They gave me a number for a bird rescue center I called they said they would return my call when they weren't busy. What is t-relief and where can I get it? How long should I let it be in tub? And any suggestions on splint how to make it. And when I should consider putting it on?
https://sites.google.com/a/poultrypedia.com/poultrypedia/poultry-podiatry may help
Ive tried best to post pic of how it kinda looks when she tries to stand by herself and failed so ill try again later. Is t-relief something I can give her for pain? I brought her to a local bird rescue for it was the only place that would look at her. They said they believe she may have a spinal injury.when she tries to walk straight up she needs to use her beak to help support herself. Has anyone seen anything like this??? Have advice. They told me keep her in a small cage with a padded dog bed which I have been and giving her time to float in a warm bath. Where she quaks and cleans herself. She still eats and drinks normally. Ive herd of t-releif but how do I know how much to give or where to put it when I dont know exact location of injury? Is the ointment safe to put on her if she's trying to clean herself and stuff like that?
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Hi - I am away from my computer right now so I don't know the dosage, but hennible's vet said ibuprofen (Advil) is okay for ducks, so search the archive for how much to give. You will need to know how much the duck weighs. T-relief is anti inflammatory so it can reduce pain but it is not a painkiller.

Just figured I'd share this adorible picture of my duckling
I found a clutch of eggs under my tomato plants. I have 7 runner girls and 1 drake who is a Cayuga. They have been laying for a couple of weeks now and every egg I crack is fertile. I know runners aren't very good sitters. Do I leave the clutch and see what happens? Or take the eggs? I'm in Texas and its 100-106 degrees outside. Will this effect the eggs as far as them not sitting on them?
I found a clutch of eggs under my tomato plants. I have 7 runner girls and 1 drake who is a Cayuga. They have been laying for a couple of weeks now and every egg I crack is fertile. I know runners aren't very good sitters. Do I leave the clutch and see what happens? Or take the eggs? I'm in Texas and its 100-106 degrees outside. Will this effect the eggs as far as them not sitting on them?

Hi, i too have heard that runners r not good sittersr. I have 2 (1 yr old) f & w runner hens. One started sitting on her own eggs about 2.5 months ago (in her nest box). Her eggs r not fertile because i do not have a drake that is old enough to fertilize her eggs, but i let her sit on them. She layed about 3 eggs, then she would kick one out (i would find it in the pool or in her water tub or somewhere in the yard). Her sister would lay an egg someplace in the yard & then she stopped laying and just hung out at t/pool while her sister was sitting on eggs. Then i added some of my chicken eggs under her, one hatched but it was smashed when i checked first thing in t/morning, she didnt give it room to breath, or maybe she killed it because she knew it wasnt a duck??
Any way, to answer ur Q. I personally would move t/eggs to their nest box or somewhere away from the tomato plants. I read that tomato plants (leaves, stems) r poisionous to ducks if they eat them. They can eat tomatos. Check it out, google it or ask on this site. You could move the eggs, mark them w/a pencil, put a date on them & check the nest each day for new eggs. I would candle them. They may not sit on them if they dont like where u move them. I leave my ducks in their night box until they lay an egg in t/morning, then i let them out, to try & avoid them laying eggs all over our property. They lay an egg each by 7AM ea day. Do u know how old the eggs r? Maybe someone w/more experience will answer u. Or u could ask Amiga or MissLydia?? Keep us posted on ur eggcitement!!!

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