*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

My peepers are all growed up
They were born on the 4th of July and now, only two moths later, they're all huge and winged and quacking! Especially Zuko (the black one front and center) who got super fat one day and just... stayed that way

'Lings grow up soooo fast... But now you have some ducks to bond with and that will be really awesome!!!!
Hi, I'm new to BackYardChickens, by this should I say BackYardDucks! I have several breeds of ducks but my favorite by far has to be those silly pinheads
. Could I possibly join this group?
Ha ha he is that alright funny enough though out of em all when i pick him up and sit with him he loves looking around only thing he don't like is the movement ie walking around with him the most inquisitive the naughtiest and he also I'm sorry to say set the tone by forcing himself on all 3 of the girls
Ha ha he is that alright funny enough though out of em all when i pick him up and sit with him he loves looking around only thing he don't like is the movement ie walking around with him the most inquisitive the naughtiest and he also I'm sorry to say set the tone by forcing himself on all 3 of the girls

I don't have any males and I'm torn on whether to get one or not. I heard that they are generally great snugglers with humans, but yes they can be rather aggressive with the ladies. I don't have room right now for more anyway. So I'll just have to wait.

Zuko is not quite as... Runner-y as the rest of my flock. He/she developed a big chest seemingly overnight when they were around 6 or 7 weeks old, and since then has been significantly larger and more low-slung than the rest, and never seems to stand all the way upright anymore. Is this a health issue, or is he/she possibly just not a full-time Runner? Everyone else seems to stand up tall easily and regularly.

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