*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

Zuko is not quite as... Runner-y as the rest of my flock. He/she developed a big chest seemingly overnight when they were around 6 or 7 weeks old, and since then has been significantly larger and more low-slung than the rest, and never seems to stand all the way upright anyone. Is this a health issue, or is he/she possibly just not a full-time Runner? Everyone else seems to stand up tall easily and regularly.

If he/she is actiing fine otherwise, eating well, and generally just being ducky, then I would say maybe he/she's a cross. Looks to maybe have some Cayuga mixed in? Either way it's a beautiful duck!
Yes exactly what I was thinking it does look very much like a cross with a Cayuga
If he/she is actiing fine otherwise, eating well, and generally just being ducky, then I would say maybe he/she's a cross.  Looks to maybe have some Cayuga mixed in?  Either way it's a beautiful duck!

My runners
I live in Marysville, Wa. & am looking for ducks. We lost 1 of our boys last night. We are very good to our ducks, chickens etc. Our 1 duck, is very heart broken as are we. If you can help, or send us to someone that might have ducks, we'd be very grateful.
I live in Marysville, Wa. & am looking for ducks. We lost 1 of our boys last night. We are very good to our ducks, chickens etc. Our 1 duck, is very heart broken as are we. If you can help, or send us to someone that might have ducks, we'd be very grateful.

You could try your local shelter, or craig's list for ducks that need rehoming. There are also a couple of forums on here that might be good too, the "Buy, Sell, Trade" one or the "Where am I? Where are you?" one could put you in touch with someone in your area. Or if there any avian rescue places in your area, they might have a lead on a duck for you. Good luck and sorry about your boy!
I live in Marysville, Wa. & am looking for ducks. We lost 1 of our boys last night. We are very good to our ducks, chickens etc. Our 1 duck, is very heart broken as are we. If you can help, or send us to someone that might have ducks, we'd be very grateful.

Pasado Safe Haven has geese and some Runners available for adoption! http://www.pasadosafehaven.org/adopt/farm/
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DRKFLOWER do you have anything on that ramp for them as my stupid lot don't seem to use ramp or steps except 1 out of the 4????

If not do you have any suggestions on how to encourage them to get in?

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