*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

We bought a few ducks from the feed store that were hatchery choice. It looks like 2 of them are runners. They are so funny. They way they stand and hold their heads make them look sneaky. I always wonder what they are up to.
Hi i have Three 5 week old ducklings i think they are runners but not sure .... my question is how do you tell male from female ?
Hi i have Three 5 week old ducklings i think they are runners but not sure .... my question is how do you tell male from female ?

Hi! The one on the right definately looks like a runner, not sure about the other 2 though. I think the one on the left at the front could be female just because the markings are similar to that of a female rouen/mallard. Not sure about the other one. The best way to tell is by their voices. i have 5 week old ducklings too. The females are definately starting to try and quack or kind of hum, and the males either keep quiet or they squeal like girls! Hope that helps a little!?
Sorry it took me so long to respond, I've been so busy! I keep clean towels on one half of the tub, and their food/water on the half with the drain. I keep the drain open but covered, so that all of the water they splash out doesn't pool. I don't think there is any way that baby could have drowned, since it was no where near the water, and I know it was eating, since it's doing so in the videos. The other 5 are still GREAT so I'm letting it go. I'm at work now, and my computer died, so I had to order a new one. As soon as it gets to me, though, I'll post new pics and videos. They're getting so big so fast, but they still snuggle under my shirt and on my chest every night :)

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