*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

This is our first year with runners. Both hens have been sitting religiously. When they aren't they make the boys sit :) I am hoping some of them hatch :)
My duckling is in the same spot she was in all day yesterday, she is struggling trying to get out, but her head is in a weird spot under part of the she and shes slowly working the bottom of her body out, which is also moving her head further in UGH
. This poor baby! I still can't help besides keeping the membrane moist, praying for the best and keep watching her like a hawk (which I have been doing around the clock since early yesterday)
.I have a question, the paper towels on the one side and bottom where the membrane is exposed keep getting yellow stuff on them and the right side towards the bottom (of the OUTER membrane thats attached to the egg itself) is yellow also... is this normal or is it possible its an infection or her yolk broke??? It smells like urine in the incubator & egg. I wish she would absorb the yolk so I can tear back some of the membrane for her
. My other egg fully internally pipped last night around midnight, I candled and saw what looked like blood on the shell in the air sac... my heart dropped to my stomach! It is moving and I can hear it working hard on the external pip (no progress yet) but the spot where the "blood was is dark and bigger now (it also happens to be pretty much where the baby is trying to pip). Do I poke a small hole in this one if she hasn't made the outter pip within 24 hrs so she doesn't suffocate??? I don't know if the membrane in this egg is as tough and rubbery as the other egg...
UGH. I have the humidity up, I'm doing everything exactly as I was told, am I doing something wrong? I want to cry for the baby that's 1/2 hatched, shes fighting so hard! I really hope the yellow stuff is normal and her yolk didnt break.. she cant survive if she doesn't absorb it can she
My duckling is in the same spot she was in all day yesterday, she is struggling trying to get out, but her head is in a weird spot under part of the she and shes slowly working the bottom of her body out, which is also moving her head further in UGH
. This poor baby! I still can't help besides keeping the membrane moist, praying for the best and keep watching her like a hawk (which I have been doing around the clock since early yesterday)
.I have a question, the paper towels on the one side and bottom where the membrane is exposed keep getting yellow stuff on them and the right side towards the bottom (of the OUTER membrane thats attached to the egg itself) is yellow also... is this normal or is it possible its an infection or her yolk broke??? It smells like urine in the incubator & egg. I wish she would absorb the yolk so I can tear back some of the membrane for her
. My other egg fully internally pipped last night around midnight, I candled and saw what looked like blood on the shell in the air sac... my heart dropped to my stomach! It is moving and I can hear it working hard on the external pip (no progress yet) but the spot where the "blood was is dark and bigger now (it also happens to be pretty much where the baby is trying to pip). Do I poke a small hole in this one if she hasn't made the outter pip within 24 hrs so she doesn't suffocate??? I don't know if the membrane in this egg is as tough and rubbery as the other egg...
UGH. I have the humidity up, I'm doing everything exactly as I was told, am I doing something wrong? I want to cry for the baby that's 1/2 hatched, shes fighting so hard! I really hope the yellow stuff is normal and her yolk didnt break.. she cant survive if she doesn't absorb it can she
Heya, it sounds like she's coming out butt first which is nearly impossible naturally. One if mine did that and we really did have to help. The yellow stuff could either be yolk or poop. There was a lot if slimey gloop in the shells once they'd come out. If it was me I would carefully peel back some more shell so she can try and wriggle free. The one if ours that was like this my other half took a fair bit of shell away. It bled a little too but now is fine, a little smaller than the others but makes up for it with attitude! The other one may have hit a vein while pipping but hopefully it's stopped and is just drying out. If it's still moving I'd try not to worry, easy said I know. They can take 48 hours before pipping and starting to unzip. Give it a bit longer then help tomorrow. But defo help the other one. please don't feel like you've done anything wrong. It's just one of these annoying things I seems about hatching!
Heya, it sounds like she's coming out butt first which is nearly impossible naturally. One if mine did that and we really did have to help. The yellow stuff could either be yolk or poop. There was a lot if slimey gloop in the shells once they'd come out. If it was me I would carefully peel back some more shell so she can try and wriggle free. The one if ours that was like this my other half took a fair bit of shell away. It bled a little too but now is fine, a little smaller than the others but makes up for it with attitude!

The other one may have hit a vein while pipping but hopefully it's stopped and is just drying out. If it's still moving I'd try not to worry, easy said I know. They can take 48 hours before pipping and starting to unzip. Give it a bit longer then help tomorrow. But defo help the other one.

please don't feel like you've done anything wrong. It's just one of these annoying things I seems about hatching!

I peeled some more shell away, but as I was doing it I could still see a lot of blood in the veins and got nervous... it just happens to have veins RIGHT ABOVE ALL OF THE SPOTS I WOULD NEED TO TEAR TO HELP!
UUUGGGHHH! I was afraid to peel too much shell b/c I was scared that if she gets out before the yolk absorbs she may tear those veins or die... will that happen or is it possible she will be OK? I will take a few pics right after dinner (hubby just called me and said I need to take a break and come eat lol). Maybe the pics of whats going on will help with the best decision. Thank you so much, I thought I was pushing my luck peeling back some more shell! Thanks for letting me know I didn't do anything wrong too, I've been kicking myself over this since last night. I can hear her peeping loudly again...it's pulling at my heart strings
poor thing has GOT to be uncomfortable at the very least...
I know they get so cramped in there poor things. I'm in the UK and is getting pretty late here so I'm afraid I may have to go to bed. The only other thing you could try is making a hole at the other end if that's where he head should be if it wasn't trying to get out the other end. I'm just clutching at straws here. The veins can all of a sudden dry up so maybe soon it will be ok. Also when theyve dried up you still see them. So maybe they are dry?
your doing great. I'll try and check back in about ten mins.
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I know they get so cramped in there poor things. I'm in the UK and is getting pretty late here do I'm afraid I may have to go to bed. The only other thing you could try is making a hole at the other end if that's where he head should be if it wasn't trying to get out the other end. I'm just clutching at straws here. The veins can allot a sudden dry up so maybe soon it will be ok. Also when theyve dried up you still see them. Do maybe they are dry?
your doing great. I'll try and check back in about ten mins.
Here are a few pics , thank you so much! (I dampened the membrane, but it seems to dry within a min or so, so it is a little dry in the pics... Sorry for so many.. I'm just desperate at this point...


Ou it's further out than I expected. It looks identical to our one like that. I would chip away a bit more shell. So theres about half left. Do you have like a plant sprayer that's clean that you can keep spraying in there? Like spray it right on the shell . It will help with the membrane and the shell. The membrane looks pretty clear of veins from what I can see anyway. I would try tearing away a bit of the outer membrane- thus shouldn't have veins only the inner. Well that's what ours were like. Just to help it not be so tightly packed.
I know so many people will be reading this tutting at me but I think if you are just wanting cute ducky pets, not for show it crazy breeding and are willing to take this risk that Yeh it may not be very strong and may gave a dodgy foot then go to it if you think you can help save it.
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I really have to sleep I'm so sorry but if you do this and keep spraying every 15 mins to half hour or when it's not looking so wet, hopefully she'll pop out in her own time once more shell and outer membrane is gone. That's all you can do really. I think the yellow is probably poop. When she comes out don't worry if it takes hours for her to stand or hold her head up or if the shell is full of yuk/a vein or ok. It's normal and with some rest will be fine. If it doesn't start drying out within a good lot of hours cuz of the humidity put her in a preheated brooder. Good luck. Will be thinking of you and probs dreaming it too!
Ou it's further out than I expected. It looks identical to our one like that. I would chip away a bit more shell. So theres about half left. Do you have like a plant sprayer that's clean that you can keep spraying in there? Like spray it right on the shell . It will help with the membrane and the shell. The membrane looks pretty clear of veins from what I can see anyway. I would try tearing away a bit of the outer membrane- thus shouldn't have veins only the inner. Well that's what ours were like. Just to help it not be so tightly packed.
OK thanks so much! Yes, I bought a spray bottle specifically for my eggs :) I was just afraid i would drown it, I will just be EXTREMELY careful when I spray. I had my humidity go up really high over the 3 hrs of sleep I got and it was still drying out! I wanted to rip my hair out! Poor baby. Ok, I'll take away more shell and spray and then just keep a good eye on her/him (I'll also test ripping some membrane if I see blood I'll leave it be. Theres some sticky thick stuff right under the membrane (inner one) and the membrane seems a bit thicker than I expected. I have a feeling my humidity was too high during some of the incubation :( Thanks again
. I'll head to the bator and go help out my baby!

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