*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

Thanks for all the info. Indeed we are both new to ducks. We love the way the runners look and, they seem to have the reputation of the barnyard clowns. Other than that we know nothing. When we both 1st got chickens we learned on the job as well. Chickens are our thing but she has had a pond dug now, and I was hoping to surprise her with some runners. She has a place to house them, seep rat from the chickens at night; and was thinking they could free range durning the day around the pond. Looking for adults not babies, btw. What would happen just to get a couple of bachelors, maybe three and no ladies? She has eggs galour from the chicken eggs, so duck eggs are not nessisary. Would they stay around or would they wonder off in search of a girlfriend? Would they fight w/o a female around? These are all questions I need answers to. Her chickens stay in pens, but without cover other than one of her roosters who likes to do a walk about everyday. She has never had an issue with predators from land or sky, but I can not say that that will always be the case. As far as culling goes, that is something we both have to do from time to time, but it is never easy.
Honestly this may just not work, but due to the fact that she does not want to breed them or collect any egg, and they would just be nice to see them floating around and watch them searching around for bugs, I thought it may be a fun gift to,give her. What do y'all think? Is it possible?
Ducks and specifically runners are a lot of fun and super rewarding, but they are not chickens that like to swim, they are a completely different animal. Fortunately there is a lot of info on them here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/256233/ducks-sticky-topics-index and all over this forum, and there are lots of very knowledgeable people here, not only on ducks, but ducks and chickens together. I only have ducks myself, but I know that if you just have ducks, having several drakes is fine as is having several ducks, it is only when they mix that you need to worry about ratios. But having only drakes with chickens could be a problem because ducks are VERY anatomically different than chickens and a drake trying to make a chicken can kill them. As far as the eggs, I won't ever eat a chicken egg again except at a restaurant when it comes with whatever else I order. Duck eggs have much more flavor than chicken eggs. Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing can be debated. Some people don't like duck eggs at all. But for baking, I think everyone will agree they are superior to chicken eggs, so even if you find you don't like the flavor of the duck eggs, your pancakes/waffles/breads/cakes/cookies etc will LOVE them. I dove in without much knowledge and have lost 3 ducks to lessons. I will never make those mistakes again, but that won't bring my ducks back so I am a strong advocate of learn as much as you can before you start, but if you stumble, most of us have been there too so we can help there too. Most non-Muscovy domestic ducks can't fly very well and ducks don't roost like chickens do so they are much more vulnerable to predators than chickens are. I know you said you wanted adults, but you might still be entertained by my baby book (in my signature below) it chronicles the start of my flock mistakes and all. And I know one great lady who is fairly new to runners, but is old hand at ducks and chickens together, her name is @Miss Lydia
Thanks for the helpful info. I have lots of reading to do for sure. I thought two mature drakes would be easy enough to handle if they would stay around., that is. They will have a small coop/run to themselves that is predator proof for nights and they can run around the fields and pond during the day. They will never be in with the hens/roosters. Though one rooster has free roaming rights durning the day as well. Just was not sure if males will stay around w/o females to keep them entertained. Really all females would be great too, but I figured they would be harder to find. In the chicken world everyone is trying to pawn off roosters anyway, and figured the same may be true in the duck world too. Thanks again for all the advise. This is the best way to learn for sure. I sent hours and hours on this site when I first decided to dive into chickens. I have loved every bit of this adventure ever since.
I have ducks and drakes and hens but no roosters. To make sure that my drakes do not bother the hens, I have made perches. So most of the time the hens scratch and walk around with the ducks and drakes. But if the drakes become bothersome they just jump up on a perch to escape them. So I have not had any issues intermingling them. I don't know how roosters respond to ducks. I would expect no issues if there is a pond, because the ducks could escape the rooster. At night, when the are put away, I think it would depend on the temperament of the individual rooster(s).
Its winter and my duck are around 6 months old now. I have one shown broody ness. Should i bring her and the nest inside or would that make her stop the broodyness?
Plus all my girls have naked necks from the boys. Wish there was something to do other then keeping them apart. I only have one coop/yard for them.
Its winter and my duck are around 6 months old now. I have one shown broody ness. Should i bring her and the nest inside or would that make her stop the broodyness?
Plus all my girls have naked necks from the boys. Wish there was something to do other then keeping them apart. I only have one coop/yard for them.
More than likely if you move her nest she'll stop. She'll go broody in spring. As for naked necks 2 things keep drakes separate or rehome. I had to make that sad decision and it has paid off.
This is Trumpet. She is one of my new adoptees. We had to put a colored zip-tie on her leg so my husband could tell her apart from our other Fawn and White Fire Fawn. She does live up to her name but she isn't as loud as my Blue Runner Smoke.

This is Trumpet. She is one of my new adoptees. We had to put a colored zip-tie on her leg so my husband could tell her apart from our other Fawn and White Fire Fawn. She does live up to her name but she isn't as loud as my Blue Runner Smoke.

Aww she is so pretty. I love Runners they are so pretty and comical too.

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