*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

That is so amazing! My husband thinks I am nuts. But I really want to breed our black runner with our white and blue girls next year. Our white girl has a blue bill. I think the babies would be so neat to see.
Yes that would be pretty I am thinking, My Runners came from eggs a member sent me and she doesn't even have blk Runners just chocolate, blue and silver and fawn and white. MY Blks came from her Blue and chocolate runners. Pretty neat how that all works.
I had a chocolate that I simple loved. But unfortunately we had an incident with a possum. Since then, the house has been reinforced and the possum has been dealt with.
The color genetics in bir
Yes that would be pretty I am thinking, My Runners came from eggs a member sent me and she doesn't even have blk Runners just chocolate, blue and silver and fawn and white. MY Blks came from her Blue and chocolate runners. Pretty neat how that all works.
The color genetics in birds is "interesting" (and often complicated).
Mixing two blues will get you 1/4 black, 1/2 blue, and 1/4 silver. That's one reason I have so many blues and chocolates, I want some silvers, lilacs, and lavenders.
So sorry about your Chocolate.

Color genetics is way over my head I don't even try. Maybe if I was breeding but I am not so it really doesn't matter. I just love the colors they all come in. :)

They grow up so quickly..still waiting for eggs...lots of mating behavior so hoping very soon :)

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