*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

These are on steroids, I guess.
People here know how much I worried about niacin and duck's feet development, added baker's yeast to their feed and ... I worried way too much!
Now I decreased their chicken feed (because they refused to eat it, they rather roam around foraging ) and give them whole corn kernels. They eat greens and worms outside on the field and only eat corn anyways.

Regarding how they run.. They seem to love it! They run from point A to point B just like in the video, and they run every time. I started recording to capture how they can fly. Once I noticed them flying (2 meters + high) the same path.Need to keep on recording, perhaps I can get them on tape. :)
Most running is, like I mentioned, when they try to visit their top spots. For example, the pile in the video is compost pile and next to it, there are several black bags of manure. Under these bags there are hundreds of earthworms, and they love those. When they eat the worms they find, they run back towards the pond. When they take a bath or two, they rush to eat some more worms on different location.

They also like to chase my dog. In a friendly way, way too friendly! :)

They love running more than the drakes I've had. Especially the fat drake. He did not mind staying behind the flock if I was around and he knew there are still worms and slugs around. He then joined them in their pond. :)
That has to be some kind of myth. Baker's and brewer's yeast are almost identical. The only difference is, brewer's yeast has much higher tolerance to high ethanol concentrations. If one would use baker's yeast to brew beer, yeast would die off quickly, when alcohol concentration would rise to a couple %. Wine makers need even more tolerant yeast to go up and above 10%.
It is the same yeast species, just another cultivar. And therefore, much cheaper.
"Baker's yeast should never be taken as a nutritional supplement or food source, as it can actually deprive your body of B vitamins as it continues growing in your intestines." From this link: https://www.livestrong.com/article/...ence-between-brewers-yeast-nutritional-yeast/

"However, when taken as a supplement, live baker's yeast can cause intestinal gas. And if it isn't rendered "inactive" by cooking (as it would be in baking bread), it can actually rob your body of thiamine." From this link: http://articles.latimes.com/2001/may/21/health/he-548

"As mentioned, baker’s yeast is known as an “active” yeast and is not safe for consumption by itself. The yeast will continue to grow and expand within the gastrointestinal system, causing severe distress and nutritional deficiencies. There are two common forms of inactive yeasts, nutritional yeast and brewer’s yeast, that are safe for human consumption, and will not lead to yeast overgrowth or infection." From this link: http://www.societywellness.com/the-difference-between-brewers-bakers-and-nutritional-yeast/

"Don't confuse nutritional yeast with baker's yeast, which is still active and could grow inside your stomach..." From this link: https://www.livestrong.com/article/263528-what-are-the-benefits-of-nutritional-yeast-flakes/

I don't think it's a myth. The key difference between Brewer's yeast and Baker's yeast is that Brewer's yeast is inactive and Baker's yeast is active.
Feeding nothing but corn is not a proper diet for water fowl, yes it can be a good carb in winter months as a treat right before bed time but not as sole diet. Take away the corn which is like candy to ducks and give them a good Flock raiser or chicken feed what ever you can get. During this time of year in winter bugs aren't that plentiful and they really need a good solid diet. They will eat their feed if they haven't anything else. Just like Kids that would live off candy if they could get it so are our birds with corn but it sure won't keep either healthy.

We try and give the best advise we know to help members raise healthy poultry and a solid proper diet is one of the things that will keep them healthy so members can enjoy their birds for many years. :)
There is a lot of bugs at the moment, rain and 13°C. I've seen mosquetoes and flies today. I am giving them feed as well. They choose what they like, there are days when they only eat corn, some days they hardly touch it and go for the feed. They rather run around searching for thick fat earthworms.
I have taken away corn and other grains on couple occasions. It did not change their appetite for the feed, they hardly touched it. And I guess they took even more time foraging. Since then I let them choose. They seem very healthy, if It changes, I'll take away corn (grain) .

Regarding yeast.
I thought brewer's yeast was active as well. That makes more sense then. I will make sure to ge inactivated brewer's yeast. Thank you!
I went to the store to buy some crickets for my duck because there is nothing in the yard - but they had died in the store's bin - too cold. So now Cinnamon has to settle for dried worms.

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