Running out of time need advice PLEASE edited title


9 Years
Jun 21, 2010
Okarche Oklahoma
I am not sure how to explain this so I will do my best. I had a (what I thought) was a broody hen. but she kept getting on and off the nest for several days. The temps were 100+ degrees I gave up on her after 5 days and knew fertility rate could decrease so I bought a bator. Commercial one I ran it 2 days and at that point knew it was time to get those eggs in there asap so I added all of the eggs I had collected. plus the fail broodys eggs Lock Down day Is in 2 days. But I am afraid the eggs that were in the heat had already started developing before the others I gathered. I also have a staggered hatch of duck eggs in there and a goose egg. I have kept all records. (before someone tells me you cant incubate ducks and chickens together . This isnt true as my aunt use to stagger hatch ducks and chickens She would set a spray bottle in the bator and spray the eggs before and after each turn misting them lightly she said it gives them the extra humidity that they need and replicates that of the mother duck jumping off the nest and haveing a quick swim.
Anyhow can I start lock down the original day was the 22nd I have candled and culled 3 times already every egg in the bator is live and kicking. yes even the ducks I had a egg rocking by itsself tonight is why I am asking this question.
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